Getting to Know Culture and Comic Through KOMIKULTUR

Oleh asni jatiningasih

Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, - Many people in all age like comic. Through comic, people know about culture or even create the culture. This idea brought out into a topic of Bandung student comic exhibition, took place in ITB West Campus Centre (CC) last December 12-19. This event was part of ITB Student Government (KM) project in the field of Art and Culture. Comic socialization become the special purpose in this event.


There were also a moment for talkshow about comic and culture, last Friday ( 12/12) afternoon, came as speaker Haji Pidi Baiq ( Senior comicus ), Alvanov Zpalanzani (ITB Visual Communication Design lecturer) and Azizah Noor (Student Comicus). The topic discussed was 'What is Comic Influence on Culture? Then, how is comic correlate in representing Indonesian Culture?'.

Alvanov answered it by giving an example through Electronic Cinema (sinetron) in present. It is often that High School student uniform pictured as fashionably uniform which is far enough from the fact, just like what Japaneese comic pictured in general. It bring such a change in teenager society that used to not knowing about fashionably uniform, now its become accostum. Alvanov argued that foreign culture easily influence local comic, it could have been more original than how it is now.

Pidi Baiq have different argument than what was mentioned. Constraints among local comicus, he said, caused by inferior feeling in making different thing, they tend to follow culture that already exist. They might afraid of critics. Azizah Noor added that comic surely influence the culture and culture even can be integrated in comic.

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