Green Chemistry Exhibition, Inspiring Students Innovation

Oleh Muhammad Fikri

Editor Muhammad Fikri

BANDUNG, - Held in East Campus Center's Gallery by ITB Chemistry Students Association (AMISCA), Green Chemistry is an exhibition of student works that is also a part of Chemistry for Nation programs. "We want to showcase the best students works and researches to inspire other students, as well as introducing the application of green energy concept to the general public. We invited other student associations and PT Pertamina to participate in the exhibition," explained Paramita Ardhana Neswari (Chemistry, batch of 2008), Poject Officer of the exhibition.

Visitors can see final projects and theses that utilized the green chemistry concept in forms of posters, demonstrations, and machine prototypes. All of the works on display are conceived by students. "It's incredible. This exhibition opened our eyes on the limitless options of ecologically friendly alternative energy sources. This kind of exhibition should be held more frequently," Sun Theo Constan, an ITB Graduate Student of Chemistry, commented.
Also shown on the exhibition is the prototype of the Green Powerplant machine by students of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November. The proposal for the Green Powerplant won the ideas and innovation competition, an event of Chemistry for Nation programs.

Research and Development Department of PT Pertamina (Persero) as also invited to show their latest efforts in finding environmentally friendly alternative energy source. "We hope to inspire the public to be more aware of the environment, and further, find innovative solutions on the ecological issues," Paramita said.

Chemistry for Nation itself is AMISCA's annual program. This year's theme,
Green Synergy for Better Future was chosen to respond the alarming global climate change issues. AMISCA aspires to show its concern of the environmental issues. Besides Green Chemistry, there are also a host of other events: seminar, talkshow, idea and innovation Competition for college students, and chemistry competition for highschool students.

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