Guest Lecture NTNU Master Degree: Studying in Norway

Oleh Vinskatania Agung A

Editor Vinskatania Agung A

BANDUNG, - In Indonesia, there are only a little number of people holding Master and Doctoral Degree as their latest formal education. It inhibits the country development which depends on research program commonly undertaken by both parties. As a higher education institution that collaborates with many universities in the world, ITB should be able to push a number of Bachelor Degree graduates to continue their education to a higher level.

Association of Indonesian Petroleum Engineering Expert-Student Section (IATMI-SM) ITB, Society of Petroleum Engineers ITB Student Chapter (SPE ITB SC), and the Student Association of Petroleum Engineering (HMTM Patra) worked together to hold a Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Guest Lecture Master Degree which was held on Friday (07/08/2015) in the Auditorium of Energy Building . The event which began at 2.00 pm was attended by 108 students from various majors, such as Petroleum Engineering, Geophysical Engineering, Mining Engineering, and Marine Engineering.

Invited some ITB alumnis from various departments like A. Reizky Azhar (Petroleum Engineering 2006) and Arifian Agusta (Marine Engineering 2009) as the two main speakers, the event was also attended by representatives of PPI-T Norway, namely Michael Binsar Lubis (Marine Engineering 2009), Rieska Mawarni Putri (Ocean Engineering 2009), Karina Yudono (Regional and City Planning 2007), and Silvy, one of the lecturer who completed Doctoral Degree of Petroleum Engineering in Norway. The main purpose of holding the event was to provide information related to college life in the Norwegian higher institution, particularly at NTNU, as well as to motivate ITB undergraduate students for continuing their studies. This kind of guest lecture is held regularly every week by the Petroleum Engineering Department. In contrast to the usual guest lecture which intended only for petroleum engineering students, this activity was opened to the public as the request of the speaker.

Overview of the NTNU
NTNU is one of the education and research center in Norway with a strong foundation in science and technology. NTNU also cooperates closely with SINTEF, a very large research and development organization with 1,800 employees. The quality of education that will be obtained in Norway has no doubt, because a lot of the world's best professors are living in that country.

Tips and Tricks for Continuing Studies to Norway
Like most of the requirements for applying master or doctoral programs abroad, the applicant needs to have at least 6.5 score in IELTS or 80-90 in TOEFL iBT or depending on the host institution. In addition, the applicant must be a graduate from a reputable university or a university that has an established affiliation with NTNU. Besides ITB, UI and UGM has affiliated with NTNU. For the cost of living, there are several scholarship options, such as Quota Scheme Scholarship provided by the Norwegian government and LPDP, scholarship provided by Indonesian government.

"You have to know what area you want to master, so there will be motivation to learn. If you already know, then you can do research for the university of your destination and the research topic," said Reizky.


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