Hatta Rajasa: Indonesia Needs Technopreneur to Achieve the Vision in 2025
By Christanto
Editor Christanto

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - "Entrepreneur is a brave," said Hatta Rajasa in public lecture, Studium Generale on Saturday (03/03/12) at ITB East Hall. The Minister of Economic Coordinator, Hatta Rajasa, give a lecture about the transformation of Indonesia toward innovation based economic improvement.
According to Hatta Rajasa, a nation will not make progress without technological innovation. Therefore, Indonesia needs to make innovation to achieve the vision in 2025. The vision is about the income of Indonesia can reaches 13-16 thousand USD per capita.
Indonesia has the chance to reach that, since Indonesia ranked 12th in the world economic strength, joined G20 country, and latter became the investment center for other countries. These are very beneficial for Indonesia, beside Indonesia has many natural resources such as natural gas, geothermal, bauxite, etc.
Challenges faced by Indonesia to achieve those are the 2015 ASEAN Economic Community, which would make Indonesia to compete with other ASEAN countries. Infrastructure and connectivity also become other challenges since Indonesia is an archipelago country.
To prepare these challenges, Indonesia need a strategy of economic development potential through economic coridors, strengthening connectivity, and improve the capabilities of human resouces and science.
"It is clear that we need innovation and technology based entrepreneur to achieve Indonesia vision in 2025," close Hatta Rajasa.