HCM becomes One of ITB Rector's Golden Program
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id— The transformation of the human resources system by implementing Human Capital Management (HCM) is one of the golden programs of ITB Rector, Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, PhD. This is in line with ITB’s 2021-2025 strategic plans which mandates a sustainable transformation in ITB.
ITB Vice Rector of Resources, Dr. Ir. Gusti Ayu Putri Saptawati S., M.Comm., revealed that two of the Rector’s golden programs are the integration of financial information systems and HCM. Dr. Putri urged all institutions of ITB to focus on the HCM program.
HCM or human capital refers to a system that is oriented to personnel or employees by investing in capabilities, knowledge, and organizational value to further enhance organizational performance.
“The HCM transformation is expected to be able to attract the best people to ITB, retain quality lecturers and personnel, and motivate every personnel at ITB,” said Putri in the socialization of HCM at the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (SEEI) ITB.
Furthermore, Irwan Rei, MTI’s Managing Director as the HMC consultant of ITB explained seven internal factors that affect organizational performance. These factors include strategy, skills, structure, staff, style, system, and shared values. According to Irwan, the HCM transformation will help improve these seven factors to improve ITB’s organizational performance.
These seven factors influence each other so that they cannot be separated. “this model says that one factor affects another, we use this model to further improve ITB,” added Irwan who is also a part of ITB’s HR transformation team.
Furthermore, Irwan emphasized that the presence of advanced personnel would support the vision and mission of ITB. The steps to make changes cannot be done individually, but by all of ITB’s agencies. Therefore, ITB needs to create a sense of urgency towards this HCM transformation. “We need to create a sense of urgency,” added Irwan.
As the closing statement, Irwan emphasized that HCM is not only in the form of socialization, but is also important to be executed. Quoting the saying of Thomas A. Edison, Irwan said “vision without execution is just hallucination”.
Writer: Deo Fernando (Kewirausahaan, 2021)
Source: Tim HCM ITB
Translator: Aghisna Syifa R (Biologi, 2020)