ITB Geothermal Seminar: Exploring IndonesiaÂ’s Geothermal Potentials
By Muhammad Fikri
Editor Muhammad Fikri

The event, sponsored by the USAID-Indonesia, examined the Wayang Windu geothermal field which is located between Bandung and Garut regency, West Java. "Wayang Windu has a capacity of 117 MW," said Sanusi Satar, Director of Energy Star Director, in his opening speech.
The event continued with a presentation about the development of the Wayang Windu geothermal field by the Field Manager of Energy Star, Heribertus Dwiyudha. In the session titled "Today's Geothermal Exploration Activities", Lukman Sutrisno (Energy Star) described the development and exploration strategies in the region. "Development of the Wayang Windu geothermal area is very dependent on the application of geophysical and geological methods to observe anomalies exist," said Lukman.
In the last session, "Graduate Program of Geothermal Technology and Scholarship" participants are given information about ITB's Master of Geothermal Engineering. In addition, the speakers also explained the scholarship opportunities available.
ITB Master of Geothermal Development
Recognizing geothermal's potentials for national energy independence, many support the program. In addition, due to human resource experts in this field is still considerably small, the industry also participated in promoting the development of this program through scholarships and training.
One of the support came from the Ministry of Education and Culture. "From Kemendikbud, ITB awarded 20 scholarships for this program," said Nenny Saptadji. In addition, Energy Star and the USAID-Indonesia also donated 200,000 dollars to support this program in form of training for trainers programs in the field of geothermal.

In the last session, "Graduate Program of Geothermal Technology and Scholarship" participants are given information about ITB's Master of Geothermal Engineering. In addition, the speakers also explained the scholarship opportunities available.
ITB Master of Geothermal Development
Recognizing geothermal's potentials for national energy independence, many support the program. In addition, due to human resource experts in this field is still considerably small, the industry also participated in promoting the development of this program through scholarships and training.
One of the support came from the Ministry of Education and Culture. "From Kemendikbud, ITB awarded 20 scholarships for this program," said Nenny Saptadji. In addition, Energy Star and the USAID-Indonesia also donated 200,000 dollars to support this program in form of training for trainers programs in the field of geothermal.