HIMATIKA ITB Held Workshop For Mathematics Students

Oleh Adhitia Gesar Hanafi

Editor Adhitia Gesar Hanafi

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Mathematics have an important role which is support and became the principal in science development in this world. Mathematics not only learn about calculate a number, but also learn all about related between the number and the logic behind that. Mathematics teach us how to find solution from every single problem with critical way, effective and efficient. In the other hand, there are some peopple that thought mathematics is so scary because the difficulty, so many formula used and others.

Because all of that, some adolescent don't have any interest and must think more than twice to choose and to learn this subject. In the fact, mathematics exist in every single day of human life. As an example, house wife used principal of algebra on her financial managerial. Based on that mathematics is so important in this globalization era, Himpunan Mahasiswa Matematika (HIMATIKA) ITB, held workshop at ITB East Hall on Sunday (02/11/14) with lifted up 'Mathematics for your work life' as a theme.

The event which attended by dozens of audiences from mathematics background and not, invited many presenter who credible and have shown that they are success with mathematics. Anita Widodo, as a worker at Asuransi Jasindo told that mathematics students can work at insurance company as a technical and supporting divisions. In technical divisions, mathematician must have a good enough statistic competence to be a good actuary. Many insurance company admit the actuary who graduated from mathematics to calculate the opportunity and the risk from the client and how much the company must pay the client's premi.

Not only as an actuary, mathematics graduate students but also can be a consulting managemnet. Phillia Wibowo as one of the presenter in the event, told that mathematics graduate students can work and have a professional careers in consulting side. "Principally, mathematics graduate students have a good competence in calculating, critical way in their thinking and good enough competence in problem solving," said Phillia. "To be a professional management consulting, we must study hard, fight as good as we can to solve the problem, help each others, and work as a team and become a leader," said Phillia briefly.

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