Hold a SOBER 2016, 2015 TPB Student Mark Moments Together before 'Splitting'
By Cintya Nursyifa
Editor Cintya Nursyifa

In contrast to similar events in 2015 (TPBersatu), SOBER, held this year was more concerned on internal activities into TPB student of 2016. Therefore, the diverse appearance entertaining by the faculties presented in order to provide a comfortable atmosphere like at home for the first year student who trickle in. The series was at least consists of art performance and appearance of the band. Adding to the sense of luxury is there, also reflects the presented exhibition of the faculties also featuring knick-knacks journey of togetherness from every faculty for two semesters.
"We think this is suitable timing, because right after exams ended. So this is the last (together, -red) moment before we all go in our own study program," said Fae (STEI 2015) as the Chairman of the show about her feelings while organizing SOBER 2016.
Though as the internalization event of the new students of 2015, SOBER 2016 invite anyone to visit. Never forgotten, the organizers tried to interest the creation of visitors, who came up with the exhibition of the edgy selected works by TPB 2015 in the front of the venue during the event. This idea is the result of the collaboration of the committee with the ITB Partner and Gallery with any form of the display of work of the various parties that are in the ITB.
The existence of a creative variation in SOBER so are as eager to show that TPB student 2015 can still have fun but more productive in the give the work in the appropriate fields of study respectively. "With the presence of plaques, trophies, and other performes such as the capoeira is in, we want to show that activity in ITB not only talk about academic," said Fae portrays SOBER 2016.
Independence in the togetherness shown TPB student still bound in this shade of KM-ITB as largest place of student center on campus. The committee was formed which started to SOBER since this January with KM-ITB in drawing up any existing event needs. "The form of the event is indeed from the batch leader. KM-ITB (Cadre Recruitment Ministries of TPB, -red) it gave coaching non-formal thing to us. Their teach us to organize the forum committee for a better formulation. They support us," said Fae.
In addition to convey the gratitude of all parties that contributes, Fae willed to the next TPB student to not get hung up only on their own faculty and more attachment to collaborate so that the resulting creations are greater influence and its benefits.