Hundreds of Visitor Attend ITB's Research and Technology Exhibition

Oleh Neli Syahida

Editor Neli Syahida

BANDUNG, - In pour of rain and final exam, civitas academica of ITB  Ditengah guyuran hujan dan masa ujian akhir, civitas akademica ITB was given new knowledge about the latest research. Amount of 392 research and product of technology produced by ITB researcher in 2013 was published to civitas academica on Wednesday-Thursday (11-12/12/13) located in  East Campust Center Gallery, ITB. Held by Institution for Research & Services Community (LPPM), this event got attention from students and lecturer.

These research and technology are result from program which fund was managed by ITB.
These programs are Research and Inovation of Expertise Group, Capacity Improvement of ITB, Excellent Research, Higher Education Excellent Program (fund come from Directorate General of Higher Education).

This kind of exhibition is routinely held by LPPM since 2010. It was held two days. Each day there are about 196 research published, in the form of poster. In the first day, research come from Faculty of Industrial Engineering (FTI), Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FMIPA), Faculty of Civil and Environment Engineering (FTSL), and Scool of Pharmacy (SF). During 2 hours, researcher explained their research to visitors.

It is an intellectual property and reflection of knowledge diversity that were born in this campus. Starting from prototype, policy, modelling to patent, all of these are result from hard work of researcher in ITB during this year. Result of research surely mustn't stop in the form of poster, but also can be seen and applicated in life.


LPPM is one of institution include in Vice Rector for Research and Innovation. Mission from this institution is build an access of fund for research and community services through kemitraan and guide development and change which is done by community. To realize it, institution which is led by Prof. Dr. Wawan Gunawan A. Kadir, MS. play role to be connector between ITB and community. The connector try to connect problem in community and solution offered by technocrats in ITB.

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