In Memoriam: Prof. Pantur Silaban, The Father of Einstein’s Relativity from ITB

By Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – ITB’s retired professor, Prof. Pantur Silaban, Ph.D., passed away on Monday, 1st of August 2022. To remember his services and dedication, a memorial service was held on Wednesday (4/7/2022) in the ITB Western Auditorium.

The sudden passing of a respected physicist from Indonesia became a piece of sorrowful news for the ITB family. As expressed by the Rector through the Vice-Rector of Finance, Planning, and Development, Ir. Muhamad Abduh, Ph.D.

“Prof. Pantur Silaban, Ph.D., is an ITB professor whose works we must revere together, and his attitude towards life reflects an exemplary role model. From his days as a young lecturer until the end of his service as a professor, he always showed exceptional dedication to ITB, especially in his specialized field as a professor in the subject of relativity,”

Pantur Silaban was born in Tapanuli, North Sumatra, on 11th November 1937. He studied in ITB and achieved a Bachelor of Sciences degree in theoretical physics in 1964 at the Department of Physics ITB. He attained a Ph.D. in general relativity at Syracuse University Physics Department, Syracuse, New York, the USA in 1971.

From the beginning of his career as an assistant professor in physics, at ITB from 1964 to 1966, Pantur Silaban was able to become a full professor in theoretical physics during 1994-2002. Other sources stated that he had the opportunity to learn about relativity from one of Einstein’s students.

He was also an active member of national and international physics organization, such as a part of Indonesian Physical Society (IPS); South East ASEAN Theoretical Physics Association, Singapore; Society For Gravitation, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; American Physical Society, USA (until 1987); and Albert Einstein Society, Bern, Switzerland.

A heartful goodbye, to the Father of Relativity from ITB.

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Translator: Firzana Aisya (Bioengineering, 2022)

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