ISES 2015: Prepare Young Generation Towards a Sustainable Future
By Cintya Nursyifa
Editor Cintya Nursyifa

In addition to addressing related issues of energy, ISES has also acted as the initiator of the younger generation in leading the world toward a sustainable future. The event that presents including Sri Mulyani (Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer, World Bank), His Excellency Maumoon Abdul Gayoom (Former President of Maldives) and Dr. Noeleen Heyzer (Former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations) has received praise from the United Nations (UN). In the Organization of ISES 2015 Committee Organizer consists of 60 students of ITB as main comitee and 70 people volunteer that came from various universities in Indonesia. ITB student who became the Committee Organizer ISES 2015 received the Technical Advisory Board of assisting, composed of academics and lecturers in the field of energy and the environment, as well as of the High Advisory Board, comprised of the CEO of companies involved in the energy industry.
The conference opened by the Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla, he showed its support to the Organization of ISES 2015. Jusuf Kalla also added that it is important for Indonesia to increase the use of renewable energy sources. This must be the motivation for the younger generation in Indonesia to be able to recreate it in the future. In addition, opened by Jusuf Kalla, on the first day the delegates and participants of the Student Case Competition carrying out Energy Field Trip and a tour of the surrounding Bali. The delegation visited a power plant biomass, namely bamboo in Bangli, an area in the North of the island of Bali. The generator produces electricity with bamboo processing waste into renewable energy through the process of gasification. In addition, the delegation also visited villages in Bali and a museum of volcanology.
Connecting the Unconnected, Become a Focus of ISES 2015
Indonesia as a country develops the first organizer of ISES became a big step for Indonesia in developing renewable energy primarily in Indonesia alone. The existence of the ISES 2015 is expected to hook up that have not been connected in the Conference filled by energy experts discuss various topics on energy and environmental issues such as carbon emissions. "According to our efficient, connectedness in the energy field offers a lot more than just light up the home community or giving them access to enjoy the energy. Connect the connectedness of ideas, opening the opportunity to share a new perspective, connect people from other parts of the world and from different generations, "said Syahri Fathoni Hilman (Geological Engineering 2011) as Chairman of the organizer of the ISES 2015. ISES 2015 gathering to also be an entire generation of youth from different countries to discuss and share knowledge that they have to address energy and environmental issues.
Generate Message "Bali Message" to the World
The event closed by The Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. IR. Kadarsyah Suryadi, DEA, generates a message that summarized in "Bali Message" that is expected to narrow the gap in access to energy development and utilization between developed countries and developing countries. In "Bali Message", 4 things was mentioned i.e, energy is essential for economic progress, students and youth is the ruler of the energy for today and tomorrow and should be the pioneer of change, young men are very concerned about climate change and its effects on our common future, and last participants recognize the need for 2015. ISES joint efforts to achieve the vision and mission for a sustainable energy in future. In addition to these things, ISES 2015 also generates MOU between ITB and the Student Energy to form Student Energy Indonesia.