SBM ITB Professor Promotes End-to-End Knowledge Management Implementation at GLINK Knowledge Management Summit 2024

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

BALI, - Professor in the field of Knowledge Management at the School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB), Prof. Dr. Ir. Jann Hidajat Tjakraatmadja, M.Eng., discussed the importance of end-to-end knowledge management in enhancing organizational competitiveness in the digital era. This was conveyed at the GLINK Knowledge Management Summit 2024 event, held on Tuesday (11/1/2024) at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Bali.

"End-to-end knowledge management is a holistic approach to managing knowledge, encompassing capture, storage, dissemination, and utilization," said Prof. Jann.
He stated that end-to-end knowledge management aims to maximize the utilization of knowledge, enabling informed decision-making, and enhancing problem-solving capabilities.

He believes there are two main challenges in implementing end-to-end knowledge management. The first challenge is changing the organizational culture. A culture of knowledge sharing needs to be ingrained throughout the organization for knowledge management to function effectively.

The second challenge is resource availability. Knowledge management requires adequate resources, including human resources, technology, and budget allocation.

"We need to raise awareness of the importance of knowledge management," he said.

As information, the GLINK Knowledge Management Summit 2024 was attended by more than 150 participants from various backgrounds, including professionals, academics, businesses, as well as representatives from state-owned enterprises (BUMN) and national and international private sectors.

The event aims to explore diverse perspectives, strategies, and experiences in knowledge management, discuss best practices and innovative solutions in the field of knowledge management, build common understanding, and open up opportunities for collaboration.

Reporter: Fairuuz Fawwas Alfarizi Tantuayo (Entrepreneurship, 2024)
Translator : Firzana Aisya
Editor : Vera Citra Utami

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