ITB Installed 13 Seismometers to Monitor Aftershocks in Lombok

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, – One day after Lombok Earthquake on 29th July 2018, Prof. Nanang T. Puspito as the Head of Global Geophysics Research Groups of ITB formed a team to install seismometers in Lombok, NTB, Indonesia.

The installation aims to monitor aftershocks of the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that occurred in northern Lombok. “Until yesterday (7/8/2018), 13 seismometers have been installed,” Prof. Nanang said.

The research group, coordinated by Dr. Andri Dian Nugraha (lecturer) consist of Dr. Zulfakriza (lecturer) as field commander and Yayan M. Husni, MT (assistant) arrived earlier in Lombok on 1st August 2018. Dr. Muzli (BMKG) and Pepen Supendi MT (Doctoral candidates from Geophysics Engineering of ITB) arrived later on 5th August 2018. “Global Geophysics Research Group was still in Lombok when the earthquake occurred on 5th August 2018,” Nanang said.

As reported by BMKG, a strong earthquake with magnitude of 7.0 hit Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) on Sunday (5/8/2018). The shock was felt around 18:46:35 WIB. The focus is at 8.37 South Latitude - 116.48 East Longitude, precisely 18 kilometers northwest of East Lombok, NTB with a depth of 15 kilometers.

*Location of seismometers is marked with green (BMKG), blue (ITB), and red (EOS-ITB) triangles

Before the installation, the team first coordinated with local governments. This was done to get permit easier and the assurance of no interference during the recording. The location of installation is on the backyard of the village office, local health center, sub-district office, and the office of East Lombok BPBD.

For EOS-ITB station, one location is installed with two sensors, hence only 6 EOS-ITB station (red) seen in the picture.

*Seismometer in Sikur Community Health Center, West Lombok. The team uses Leinart sensor and Geobit data logger powered by 80 Ah Battery

*Seismometer in Rempek Village, Gangga Sub-District, North Lombok. Together with the community, th team install seismometer on community plantation.

“The monitoring for aftershocks of Lombok Earthquake is carried out for one month. Hopefully, during one month of monitoring, seven installed seismometers could record the aftershocks well without interruption,” Prof. Nanang said. Records of the aftershocks, including the earthquake on 5 August 2018 estimated to be the main earthquake, could give a new understanding on the source and mechanism of 2018 Lombok Earthquake.

In addition to installing seismometers, the team also coordinated with Mataram BMKG and North Lombok BPBD as well as Mount Rinjani Observation Post. Several lecturers from Geodesy research group have also arrived at Rinjani Post to conduct disaster mitigation and observation.

Forming ITB Task Force
"The ITB Task Force for the Lombok disaster is formed with the task of compiling plans and relief actions for Lombok's earthquake," said Miming Miharja, ITB’s Vice Rector for General Administration, Alumni and Communication. In the short term, the task force will send a team to carry out assessment of public building feasibility, assist in the delivery of staple foods, medicines, blankets and other goods in cooperation with ITB’s Alumni Union. Furthermore, the team will carry out a program to provide water supply facility, as well as studying the potency for future disasters and analyzing aftershocks and landslides.

Furthermore he said that in medium term (Rehabilitation-reconstruction phase), ITB will introduce a building technology of bamboo structures developed by Construction Technology Research Group of School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development (SAPPK) of ITB. Next, a trial period will be conducted for Open BTS technology developed by School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI).

Institut Teknologi Bandung will continue to assist and cooperate in handling emergencies, medium term, and long term according to their capacity. For the entire assistance program, the task force will cooperate with the Community Service Agency of Universitas Mataram and other related parties.

Institut Teknologi Bandung expresses condolences on Lombok Earthquake, and prays for the well-being of the victims. “Executives and the entire family of Institut Teknologi Bandung pray for the victims and will work to help the victims get the help they need. Hopefully the condition in the impacted area will soon recover,” Miming said.

Photo: LPPM ITB/Global Geophysics Research Group

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