ASOMPS 2023: Natural Product Utilization and Innovation
October 07, 2023Visual Communication Design Study Program of FAD ITB Celebrates 50 Years of Success
October 06, 2023ITB Welcomes 289 Exchange Students from Batch III Merdeka Program
October 05, 2023ITB Students Win First Place at the Midea 3rd International HVAC Design Contest
BANDUNG, – A team of ITB students successfully topped the Midea 3rd International HVAC Design Contest for Indonesia Region (08/31/2023). The competition was held by Midea Electronics Indonesia.This competition focused on the development of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. This year, the committee issued a case...
October 04, 2023Thematic Community Service Program: ITB's Support for Business, Agriculture, and Energy Development in Cipeundeuy Village
SUMEDANG, – ITB conducted its 2023 Thematic Community Service in Cipeundeuy Village from July 25 to August 17, 2023, located in Cimarga, Cisitu District, Sumedang Regency. Students engaged in various community activities, including teaching, independence day preparation, community services, and gymnastics with locals.One notable...
October 04, 2023ITB Student Team Wins National Best Defender Award at Gemastik 2023
BANDUNG, - Three students from the Jejaring Jagat Jembar Team at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) received recognition for their outstanding performance at the National Student Exhibition Competition in the field of Information and Communication Technology (Gemastik) 2023 Cyber Security Division. They were honored with the Best...
October 03, 2023ITB Hosts The 2023 International Conference ICOFM Discussing Optimization, Financial Mathematics, and Actuarial Science
BANDUNG, - The 2023 International Conference of Optimization and Financial Mathematics (ICOFM) was organized by the Mathematical Sciences and Finance Research Group (KK-MIK), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung (FMNS ITB). The conference took place on September 16-17, 2023.An international conference...
October 03, 2023The Team of LPPM ITB Helps Tackle Surface Water Crisis in Cinangsi Village, Cianjur
CIANJUR, – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), through the Institute for Research and Community Services or Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), is aiding in addressing the challenge of surface water access in Cinangsi Village, Cikalongkulon, Cianjur. This village is one of ITB’s fostered villages, located within...
October 03, 2023Waste Management Endeavors to Support Green Campus
BANDUNG, — Waste has emerged as a significant problem in every region of Indonesia. Inadequate waste management leads to the accumulation of vast amounts of waste and various subsequent challenges. This problem needs to be addressed through synergistic efforts from the entire community, including academia.Therefore, a waste management...
October 02, 2023Celebrating National Transportation Day 2023: ITB Graciously Receives the Partnership Appreciation Award from the Ministry of Transportation
BANDUNG, - On Friday (29/9/2023), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) was honored with a partnership award from the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Transportation in the context of National Transportation Day 2023.During the same event, Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, emphasized that the government aimed to convey the...
October 02, 2023