Studium Generale IMA-G: Building Professionalism in Working Environment using Student's Idealism
November 28, 2007Fun Physics by 102 FM ITB
November 24, 2007Human Resource Management Training PMO ITB
November 20, 2007
Idul Fitri 1428 H Prayer at ITB
Bandung, - YPM Salman, in cooperation with ITB, held Idul Fitri Prayer on Saturday (13/10) at 07.00 am. Hundreds of moslems crowded Campus Center ITB field where the prayer was done. Ustadz Bangun Syahroya lead the prayer. While, Prof. Dr. H. Maman A. Djauhari, Head of Professor Council (MGB) ITB give Idul Fitri sermon. In his sermon...
October 15, 2007
RKA ITB 2008 Meeting
Bandung, - On Monday (29/10) and Tuesday (30/10), placed on Balai Pertemuan Ilmiah ITB building, ITB BHMN held meeting on Working Plan and Budget (RKA) 2008. In his keynote speech, Prof. Dr. Haryanto Dhanutirto, head of Majelis Wali Amanah (MWA) ITB said that the meeting was very important for ITB BHMN as an organization. Haryanto...
October 29, 2007
Opening of Titian Karir Terpadu 2007
Bandung, - Starting on Thursday (1/11) until next Sunday (4/11), placed on Aula Barat and Aula Timur ITB, the Office of Vice-Rector for Professional, Community, and Students Development held an Career Exhibition event titled "Titian Karir Terpadu 2007". The event officially opened by Dr-Ing. Ir. Aryo Prawoto Wibowo, head...
November 01, 2007
High School Visitation: SMU Negeri 1 Cisauk
Bandung, - Monday (5/11), 224 students of SMU Negeri 1, Cisauk, Tangerang along with 24 of the teachers, visit Institut Teknologi Bandung. Their visitation was welcomed by staffs of Office of Vice-Rector for Communication and Secretariat, i.e Achmad Yusuf, Head of Communication and Secretariat Bureau, and Ms. Neni Juartini. Headmaster...
November 06, 2007
The First IRSA Seminar and Workshop
Bandung, - Indonesia Regional Science Association (IRSA) held a Seminar, Workshop and Paper Presentation on Thursday (1/11) until last Saturday (3/11). The workshop was held at Labtek IXA, while Paper Presentation was held at Auditorium, Campus Center ITB. Seminar titled "Sustainable Regional Development: The Role of Infrastructure...
November 02, 2007
International Seminar of Pharmaceutics
Bandung, - After a pre-seminar on the previous day, on Saturday (31/10) International Seminar of Pharmaceutics was opened for two consecutive day at Hotel Grand Aquila, Bandung. Seminar was held at Nusantara Ballroom of the hotel, while scientific poster exhibition was held at Malino Room. About 160 participants joined the seminar that...
November 01, 2007
The 12th Anniversary Celebration of School of Pharmacy ITB
Bandung, - Placed on the basketball field Campus Center area, last Saturday (3/11), School of Pharmacy (SF) ITB celebrated her 12th anniversary and held reunion-night SF ITB. "Interesting celebration, I met my old friends," shout Badruzzaman, alumnus SF from 1969. The first sessions of the celebration started early in the...
November 03, 2007