International Seminar on Pharmaceutics 2015: Preparation to Face AEC

Oleh Bayu Septyo

Editor Bayu Septyo

BANDUNG, - There is something different to Indonesia at the end of this year. Along with nine other countries, Indonesia will start the implementation of Asean Economic Community (AEC). In this short time, if Indonesia well prepared to face that? Wether Indonesia could became the main player or just watch through the bench? Well, of course this is an issue that should be considered because AEC will create new markets that will encourage competition all over ASEAN's nation.

Therefore, Pharmaceutical Expertise Group (KK-Farmasetika) of School of Pharmacy ITB organized the event, "International Seminar on Pharmaceutics 2015", titled Advanced Research in Pharmaceutical Industry. This seminar was held for three days (3-5/8/15) in the Harris Convention Center. In addition to the main event, also organized a workshop on Thursday (6/8/15) that was held at the Yusuf Panigoro Building of School of Pharmacy ITB. According to Dr. Heni Rachmawati, Apt. as the chief organizer of this activity, global market and harmonization in AEC would occur in all aspect including pharmaceuticals. So, this event was expected to formulate what should be done in the face AEC that will surely change a lot of regulations and technology.

The activity held the second time since 2007, now have a series consist of Plenary Lecture, Parallel Session, Mini Symposia, Poster Session, Pharma Expo, Discussion Forum, Gala Dinner, and One Day Workshop. Plenary Lecture is a seminar with expert speakers from Indonesia and various country, such as South Korea, Japan, Netherlands, Singapore, and America. Parallel Session contained the presentation of research from various universities both domestically and abroad, while the Mini Symposia was a scientific explanation that was intended to any element in pharmaceutical industry. Besides various activities of scientific explanation, there was also a Focus Group Discussion, poster exhibition in Poster Session, and display of pharmaceutical technologies and products at the Pharma Expo. Focus Group Discussion aimed to establish a bridge of cooperation between Academics, Businessmen, and government that commonly known as the Triple Helix.

Many Pharmaceutical field were deeply discussed in a series of events that followed about 250 people, such as pharmaceutical technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, targeted drug delivery system and so on. Through these activity, the School of Pharmacy ITB was expected to be the leading actor of development, research, and education especially in the field of pharmaceutical technology. It was also expected as a transitional activities and opportunities for cooperation with the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia in particular and also from abroad in general.

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