ISC SmartGrid 2015: Give Insight into Future Power Systems
By Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti
Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

According to ISC SmartGrid 2015 secretary, Dr. Ing. Deny Hamdani, this event aims to provide insights into the electricity system, especially in the field of smart grid and green energy. Participants who attended came from professionals with the majority of representatives of PT PLN. On that occasion, PT PLN also became a keynote speaker. In addition to PT PLN, there were also representatives from energy companies, petrochemical, electronics, mining, government, and academia.
Agenda opening was filled by a speech from representative of ITB Rector, representative of the Embassy of France, and Prof. Dr Ir. Ngapuli I. Sinisuka as chairman of the committee. Continued until the next four days, ISC 2015 SmartGrid filled with lectures delivered by the speakers. Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD), an organization that is engaged in the development of developing countries participated in a series of events display the gallery "60 Solutions Against Climate Change" which contains the reduction of energy and environmental issues.
Smart Grid and Green Energy
Smart grid is a concept of modernization of the electricity system with information and communication technology to optimize the supply and demand for electrical energy needs. Now, the trend of energy production began to shift towards renewable energy (green energy). Generally, the production of green energy is done on a small scale by the users of electric energy. Therefore, it takes the management of electrical energy between producers and consumers effectively and efficiently.
The increasing of electrical energy needs calls for saving electrical energy. Electrical energy savings can be done in two ways, namely substitution of more efficient materials management and use of electrical devices. With the information and communication technologies, smart grids can provide solutions to these problems.
International Joint Master Programme
ISC SmartGrid 2015 also carried out in the framework of the opening of the International Joint Master Programme (IJMP) among ITB Power Engineering Program, University of Toulouse, and the University of Grenoble. ITB chose them as a partner in this program because the two universities are the best institutions in the field of smart grid in France. The relationship between ITB and University of Toulouse also has been established 40 years. The program has supported by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which explored by ITB and the University of Toulouse in 2014.
IJMP is targeted to open in January 2016. In this program, students will carry out a study of the first year at the ITB and the next year at a university in Europe. By following IJMP, students are expected to get a diploma in recognition of the three parties namely ITB, university partners, and the European Union.
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