ISOC 2010: Recent Development in Cosmetics
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, Tantamount to other science and technology products, cosmetics also experience development from time to time. The School of Pharmacy of Bandung Institute of Technology has just recently held an event titled International Seminar on Cosmetics (ISOC) 2010. The event presented experts in cosmetics from Singapore, South Korea, Netherlands, Japan, and some local and foreign universities.
Among the topics presented were "Safety and Efficacy Evaluation of Cosmetics" (Nuning S. Barwa, Martha Tilaar Group, Indonesia), "Development of Health Functional Food and Functional Cosmetics for Skin Beauty from Natural Products" (Se Young Chong, Kyung Hee University Korea), and "Formulation and Evaluation of Oil in Water Emulsion Shampoo Containing Soy Protein Isolate and Hydrolysate" (Jessie Sofia Pamudji, ITB).
Aside from discussing development from the scientific side of cosmetics, ISOC also touched other grounds such as regulation, safety standards, marketing strategies, and product innovations in cosmetics.
"School of Pharmacy ITB, established in 1947, has been exploring a lot of research in sciences and technology of cosmetics, together with industries and other institutions in Indonesia. They offer us a wide range of aspects to be exploited in the development of cosmetics," delivered Akhmaloka in the opening speech. "ITB fully support this activity. We hope that ITB would be a center of science research activity in cosmetics development, not only for science development, but also for commercial purposes," he added.