ITB Academic Senate Held PTN-BH Forum 2016
By Vinskatania Agung A
Editor Vinskatania Agung A

Forum Academic Senate PTN-BH 2016 opened with a speech from Prof. Indratmo Sukarno as Chairman of the ITB Academic Senate and Prof. Bermawi Priyatna Iskandar as the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs (representing the Rector of ITB). After that, there were presentation from Prof. Aris Junaidi, Director of Quality Assurance, Directorate General for Education and Student Affairs, Kemenristekdikti; and Prof. Djoko Santoso, Professional Education Working Group, the Board of Engineers Indonesia.
Each PTN-BH presented about the condition of the Academic Senate in their respective institutions, followed by discussions. The parallel discussion talked about the issue of: 1) the organization and work programs Po SA PTN-BH Forum, 2) Cooperation of education, research and community service, 3) Functions and duties of Proofessor, and 4) Basic scientific pattern to build the nation's competitiveness. Summary results of the discussion were reported by Prof. Indarto (UGM) and Prof. Tahir Kasnawi (UNHAS) to the council. Then, Prof. Indratmo Soekarno as chairperson read the Joint Declaration of the SA PTN-BH Forum and announced that the Academic Senate Forum event PTN-BH 2017 will be held by IPB. Forum closed with the submission of souvenirs from ITB to ten of the Academic Senates of other PTN-BH.