KM-ITB Sent Volunteers to Flood Victims in South Bandung

Oleh Bayu Septyo

Editor Bayu Septyo

BANDUNG, - ITB didn't stop spreading emphaty. Trough its Executive Council of Student "KM-ITB", ITB contributed in sending students as volunteer, funds, and daily logistics to Flood Victims in South Bandung. The students took effort to directly visit and help people in areas that experience disaster on Friday-Sunday (18-20/03/16). They all participated in providing food, medical needs, and any logistics.
Since there was a flood in South Bandung on Tuesday (08/03/16), Bandung Regional Board for Disaster Management set up disaster relief center which lasted during their status escalated to disaster preparedness. Muhamad Burhanudin (Environmental Engineering 2012) as coordinator of KM-ITB volunteers has made observation in South Bandung region on Saturday (12/03/16). According to the result, KM-ITB immediately held fundraising, opened logistics stand, and gathered student volunteers. There was also Rumah Amal Salman ITB who cooperated with KM-ITB to extend the range of their fundraising.

Untill friday (18/03/16), number of KM-ITB volunteers reached around 99 students. On the same day, the volunteers started to go down to the disaster zone and helped around 5,500 families of flood disaster. KM-ITB volunteers helped in providing packet of meals to the victims and volunteers which reached ten thousand packets every day.

In addition, they also helped in giving trauma healing to children by playing together and making simple toys that are collaborated with Organisasi Bebek from Students of Physic Engineering of ITB. KM-ITB also made a move trough the provision of medical aid post in RW 5, Subdistrict Andir, in collaboration with Medical Assistance Team from Faculty of Medicine (University of Indonesia) and Doctor Volunteer Organization. Their objective is to treat flood victims affected by the disease. Besides that, there were Korsa Salman and Alumni Association who teamed up with KM-ITB and also Indonesian Red Cross who directly coordinated by Bandung Regional BPBP.

Funds collected planned to be allocated as a preventive action for flood prevention, in addition to meet the needs of logistics. Currently being discussed regarding appropriate preventive measure such as the development of Early Warning System with colleagues of Metereolgy ITB and Streams Mapping with colleagues of Geodesy ITB. When met at the lobby of East CC on Tuesday (22/03/16), Burhanudin that also been candidates for Community Services of Cabinet 2016 of KM-ITB stated condition in South Bandung has improved and there was no shortage of daily necessities, the flood began to recede.

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