Prof. Freddy Permana Zen Elected as the New Chair of Forum of Professors of ITB

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

*Balai Pertemuan Ilmiah (BPI) in Jalan Dipatiukur, Bandung. (Photo by: Ahmad Fadhil/PR of ITB)

BANDUNG, – Professor Freddy Permana Zen is elected as the new Chair of Forum of Professors of Institut Teknologi Bandung (FGB ITB), succeeding the previous chair Professor Tutuka Ariadji. The election was carried out on Friday (30/8/2019) at Balai Penelitian Ilmiah of ITB, Bandung.

As many as 64 professors gave their votes. That number legally represents all 187 ITB professors in the election, where representative professors were sent from each faculty.

Freddy was elected as Chair of Forum of Professors of ITB for the period of 2019-2022 by receiving 23 votes, exceeded Masyhur Irsyam who got 17 votes, and Gede Wenten who got 14 votes. As the new chair, he holds the privilege to choose the secretary. The name will be announced in a few days.

After being elected, Freddy Permana Zen expressed his sincere thanks and hope for the support from all professors in ITB. “I initially did not volunteer, but I receive supports from my friend. So I tried it. Hopefully I can fulfill your expectation. This is my duty,” he said.

Further, Freddy said that he will continue the running programs using different approach, which will be more to the application in every study. He also opens opportunity to professors to suggest topics to be discussed on plenary session. “You are free to suggest topics to discuss through representatives in each faculty, or you can say it to the secretary so that the information is received faster,” he said.

Professor plenary session in ITB is held every month and studies a phenomenon or a problem comprehensively. It is a form of service and contribution from ITB academicians to the country and the people. Nevertheless, he said that the result is handed to executives, ministries, or the country to execute.

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