ITB Assists in Post-Earthquake and Tsunami Rehabilitation and Reconstruction in Central Sulawesi

Oleh Vera Citra Utami

Editor Vera Citra Utami

PALU, – Institut Teknologi Bandung has formed a task force to conduct research and community service after earthquake and tsunami hits in Palu, Central Sulawesi. The team will assist in post-disaster response, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.

Going together with National Study Center for Earthquake (Pusgen), Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), LIPI, and other institutes, the initial team from ITB departed to Palu (9/10/2018) to conduct research and location survey to collect data for next team from ITB. Members of the team will be on duty for three days or more.

This joint initial team is consisted of many experts in their respective fields and research groups. Dr. Hamzah Latief from Oceanography, Dr. Irwan Meilano from Geodesy, Dr. Astyka Pamumpuni from Geology, Dr. Indra Gunawan from Geophysics, and Prof. Masyhur Irsyam and Ashika Sahadewa from Geotechnical Engineering. Their focuses are on survey on tsunami effect, research on Palu-Koro Fault, and survey on landslide and liquefaction.

The initial team aimed to assist the government—in this case, PUPR—and hopefully the data we obtain can be used by other ministries,” said the Secretary for Community Service – Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of ITB, Dr. Irwan Meilano.

Irwan explained that ITB cooperates with government, agencies, and research institutes to provide basic data for post-earthquake rehabilitation and reconstruction actions. After the initial team finished their duty, the next team will come and focus on building temporary house and sanitary post-disaster.

“The problem here is the relocation house, to look for temporary house which is safe especially from landslide/liquefaction and aftershocks. That’s what we are looking for. Hopefully the collected data can help government on this matter. And soon a team will depart to assist in building temporary houses,” he said.

The team also conducted mapping to damaged areas by taking aerial photos. The team make rapid movements in order to provide proper maps for post-earthquake rehabilitation and reconstruction actions. As for clean water issue, Irwan said that ITB team will focus more on providing water filter.

Cooperation with Universitas Tadulako
During research and community service in Palu, ITB will cooperate with Universitas Tadulako (Untad) in post-earthquake rehabilitation and reconstruction actions, especially in building temporary houses. Initial meeting was conducted with the Head of Universitas Tadulako’s LPPM.

“The team will cooperate with Universitas Tadulako to build temporary houses as well as sanitary because it is a classic problem in evacuation shelter. The housing team will cooperate with sanitary team,” he said. Irwan also explained that ITB will support corresponding ministry and institutes.

Previously, ITB has sent aid such as foods, clothes, and medicines for victims of earthquake and tsunami in Palu on Monday (1/10/2018). The aid was sent through TNI AU’s Center of Relief for Palu at Halim Perdanakusuma Airport.

Reporter : Adi Permana

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