Story Towards Firefighting Robot Contest Winner

Oleh Muhammad Hanif

Editor Muhammad Hanif

BANDUNG, - Recent days ago, Indonesia succeeded to win a smart robot competitions in United Stated. Trinity College Fire-Fighting Home Robot Competition (TCFFHRC) is an annual robot competition held at Trinity College, Connecticut, USA. This year, ITB sent two teams in the legged robot and wheeled robot category. Both teams of legged robot category succeeded in getting the runner up (team Yaqut) and third place (team Aqabah).

There was team from ITB that funded by DIKTI and there was also team funded by themselves. Independent fundraising is not easy. Before getting certainty sponsor, the proposal has been distributed to nearly two dozen companies.

Luckily, the cost could be covered by funds from the sponsor that the team can go. The preparation is continued by make passport and visa. Some members of the team's first time going overseas, so they have to make a first passport. Besides a passport, they also make the visa to be able to visit US.

One day before departure, there is still a lot of preparation done by the team. This preparation, among others, tried to pitch, modification, and the last setting robot. Departure from Bandung conducted in the early hours of March 27, although planes depart on March 28 at 00:40. This is done to anticipate congestion due to fuel demonstration. The team set out to use the bus from going to the ITB and Higher Education. Here the team was given the following prayer as stock TCFFHRC.

Sensor Trouble, Still Champion

The plane arrived at the airport (John F. Kennedy, New York) around 15:00 with the previous transit in Dubai. From the airport, proceed through the direct overland route to Connecticut. New York weather conditions at this time was in late winter, the temperature can drop up to ten degrees Celsius. From this arises a new problem. Sound sensor robot designed for the tropics have problems and do not work. Luckily, with a little help hairdryer sensor can work again, although still less than the maximum.

The day before the race, participants are allowed to try the field first. The day was used to re-register a team, trying to pitch, adjust the standard robot, as well as component repair problems. Note that TCFFHRC has some age categories of participants. That is why, it is not rare to see teen follow the race. In addition to a variety of ages, race was also attended by participants from various countries including China, America and Israel.

Fire-fighting robot contest or firefighting robot is generally composed of randomly placed within a maze. The robot then must find a candle or heat source is located inside the maze, turn it off, then back to the starting position where he was placed at the beginning. During the race, had been a miracle. On one round, the robot from Aqabah team that had lost orientation algorithm causes the robot to be one of the robot is supposed to be able to return to the starting position. However, the robot suddenly paused, then turned toward the direction of the initial location.

Then two teams of ITB finally succeeded to take a podium place in legged robot firefighting categories. The team from the Institut Teknologi Telkom also won several titles in the category of smart-legged and wheeled robots.

The Back Trip and Appreciation

After the race finished, the team gets a chance for a day to get around New York as well as shop for souvenirs. Some of the places visited include the Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, Times Square, Central Park, and finally closed with a banquet at the consulate general of Indonesia. After the banquet, the team are welcome to return to the hotel and rested for the return scheduled for seven o'clock the next morning.

The team arrived in Jakarta at eleven o'clock and went straight to hotel to rest. The next morning, three national television stations are preparing for an interview. This interview requires teams did not sleep all night in order to do a demo robot in television shooting session. After the interview, the team invited to meet with Education Minister Mohammad Nuh to be won appreciation for his success. After that, the team returned to London with still feeling the jetlag for a few days later.

In general, the future is expected to increase the number of participants. TCFFHRC not limit the number of competitors per country so wide-open opportunity to participate from potential participants would try to find a sponsor departure. In addition, the team also is expected to be better prepared so that further strengthen the position of Indonesia in the arena of international robot competition.

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