Shana, ITB’s First Ever Female KM President
By Mandeep Kaur Gill
Editor Mandeep Kaur Gill

Bandung, at 0200 WIB today (5th April), Shana Fatina, Industrial Engineering 2004 was elected the President of the Keluarga Mahasiswa (KM) ITB for 2008-2009 period. Or the first time in the student history of ITB, the president was a woman. Shana won along with her partner, Wahya Bagus Yuliantok, Planology 2004 who was chosen as student representative and will sit in the Majelis Wali Amanah ITB. Vote counting was started on Friday at 9pm in West Campus Center and attended by elections supervisors, student union and student activity unit representatives and ended today morning. The results showed Shana-Bagus as winner and handed to ITB KM Congress once the counting was over.
Team Bagus-Shana won 2182 votes above Bobby-Gilang who got 2154 votes. In the meantime Ruly-Fikri only won 230 votes. ITB KM 2008 Elections has its own prestige above all of its history as a student council of ITB as participation was more than 50%. Shana proudly commented regarding this when called today morning “Over 50% participation only shows that more students care about ITB KM now,” said the young Californian born girl.
“What we want to do for the management now is to get all Itb students to become part of KM and feel it in all its diversity,” said Shana. “No one has to question who he or she is to be a member of KM because now everyone is a KM member.”
She also touched upon the topic of KM wanting to be partners with ITB in the effort of making ITB a world class university. Regarding when KM’s management would be structured, Shana promised that it should be completed as fast as possible. “We are working on the management at the moment,” she promised. “We want the current management to attract all kinds of groups, starting from student unions, student activity units, all of them.”
Coming Monday the 7th, Shana and Bagus will be inaugurated as ITB KM Cabinet President and Student Representative in MWA for the period of 2008/2009 in Campus Center, 1500 WIB.
*KM: Keluarga Mahasiswa which means Student Family if directly translated, showing the unity of students of ITB in becoming a single student government. It is a large student council, involving students from all study programs and of whatever degree they are pursuing in ITB.
original article by krisna