ITB Campus to Reopen, Students Responded with Positive Sentiment

By Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - ITB held an event titled "Back to the ITB Campus" on Monday (27/9/2021) at Boulevard ITB and broadcast live through the ITB Youtube channel. This event invited the entire ITB academic community, including the ranks of the ITB Rector and several guests from student representatives who live in Bandung.

The students who attended conveyed several impressions about returning to campus. They include Ilham Subandoro (National Achievement Student 2021, Undergraduate Student of the School of Business and Management 2019), Ziyad Akbar and Cynthia Ridha Larassati (Student of the Undergraduate Program at the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 2020), Kris Alvin (Student of the Graduate Program at the School of Business and Management 2020), and several student representatives from other Faculties and Schools.

Responding to various complaints felt by students and educators during online learning, ITB tried to raise a voice about the good news of the reopening of the ITB campus at the Face-to-Face Learning (PTM) stage during the pandemic. At this event, ITB presented student representatives to get good reviews regarding the various complaints, especially for the Class of 2020 students who had not experienced the campus atmosphere at all.

"Online learning really needs adjustment. Love it or not, we have to face it together." said Kris Alvin, 2020 Postgraduate Student.
It is undeniable that all academic activities that were initially exhausting when offline and online are also faced with another problem: the instability of the internet network. Not to mention other factors such as server errors or other technical issues that can strike at any time.
This era of online learning is indeed a new challenge for all academics throughout Indonesia. Various advantages and disadvantages accompany this new method as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic that has plagued all aspects of education.

However, the pandemic should not be the main obstacle to achieving glory on campus. This is reflected in one of the ITB students, Ilham Subandoro, a 2019 Business and Management School Undergraduate Student, who managed to make achievements at the national level by being ranked 3rd in the Outstanding Student in 2021.

"Tips to be productive, of course, both online and offline, are not an obstacle for us to grow. Everyone can excel anywhere as long as they can take advantage of the facilities to support achievement." said Ilham Subandoro.

The inputs obtained from guests were responded directly by the Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M.Eng., and all ITB leaders, as a joint evaluation material.

Reporter: Lukman Ali (Mechanical Engineering, 2020)
Translator: Billy Akbar Prabowo (Metallurgical Engineering 2020)