ITB Team Earned National Competition in Mineral Dressing and Metallurgical Process

Oleh Adhitia Gesar Hanafi

Editor Adhitia Gesar Hanafi

BANDUNG, - Again, two team from ITB earned achievement in national competition.  Student Paper Competition which is part of Indonesian Process Metallurgy (IPM) IV, became an event to duel with other students from other university. The competition held on Wednesday (05/11/14) placed in Auditorium IPTEKS East Campus Center ITB by Metallurgical Engineering Program. On that competition, ITB team from metallurgical department and petroleum department got the second and the third place.
In this year, Student Papper Competition raised up 'Penguatan teknologi pengolahan mineral dan metalurgi proses dalam rangka mendukung pelaksanaan hilirisasi sumber daya mineral', as a theme. With this event, students applied their knowledge related with mineral dressing and metalurgical process. "We hope that from this event, all of the students can improve their idea deeper and also to increase their self motivation to create an idea and competency," said Imam Santoso, S.T., M.Phil. as the chief of Indonesian Process Metallurgy (IPM) IV on his speech.

Ryan Kurniawan (Petroleum Engineering 2012), Damian Dion Salam (Petroleum Engineering 2012), and Shieren (Metallurgical Engineering 2012) are the member of the second place team. With their topic 'A Novel Approach To Predict H2S Corrosion Rate In Oil/Gas Production Pipeline,' they are make a mathemathic model to calculate the hydrogen sulfide  corrosion rate for  the pipeline in gas and petroleum industry. In the other side, the third place got by Muhammad Alfian (Metallurgical Engineering  2010) with his topic 'Meningkatkan Laju Reduksi Besi Laterit dengan Memanfaatkan Kandungan Alumina yang Terkandung dalam Bijih'. On his topic, he studied the process of reduction rate of laterit with added an alumina.

The first place got by, Nicholas Giovanni from material and metallurgical engineering University of Indonesia. With his topic about bio-leaching, 'Penggunaan Bacillus sp. Untuk Pengolahan Logam Tanah Jarang dari Monasit Sisa Pengolahan Timah Bangka Belitung', he combine the biology and the principal of mineral dressing. "As a technique students, I have an interest in biology also. That interest, motivated me to use a microoganism in mineral dressing to process rare earth metal," said Nicholas.

Beside the Student Papper Competition, this event held the colloquium with the same theme. The colloquium, held on Thursday-Friday (06/11 - 07/11/14) at ITB West Hall. All of the winners, got the opportunity to presenting their papper on the prestigious colloquium.

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