ITB Digital Media Festival: Nurturing The Culture of Digital Media in Indonesia

Oleh Muhammad Fikri

Editor Muhammad Fikri

Bandung, - Living in this modern age, it is almost improbable for us to disconnect ourselves completely from the multitude of digital platforms. Yet whether we realize it or not, we still haven't utilized the full potential of those platforms. Aiming to fully develop the potentials of digital media, ITB School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI-ITB) together with with Faculty of Arts and Design (FSRD-ITB) held ITB Digital Media Festival in ITB's West and East Halls on Tuesday and Wednesday (22-24/11/11).
One of the main program of the event is Microsoft Innovation Center (MIC) Code Camp Workshop. Ary Setijadi, Project Officer of the program, explained that the workshop-organized by MIC ITB-was aimed to create 200 apps and games that are ready to be sold in mobile app store. 230 participants attended the program. "Yesterday's coding camp was the biggest in the world in terms of number of products created," he said.

Socialization of digital learning

Besides MIC Code Camp Workshop, there are also a host of other programs including talkshows and seminars with speakers from Canada, Korea, and Malaysia; international conference on e-learning, international conference on IT and communication for the rural communities, and an exhibition showcasing students works.

International Conference on E-Learnng (ICEL) was organized in conjunction with  Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia. Its main objective is to nurture the culture of digital learning in Indonesia. "We provide a space for stakeholders of higher education to have a dialog on the issue, and together, find ways to implement digital learning as a method of learning in Indonesia.If we could implement digital learning appropriately, I'm very optimistic in the positive change that t will bring to our society," Ary said. Not only they can participate in the numbers of seminars, visitors of ITB DMIF can also has see some of the best student works including Klung Bot, Robosoccer, Nao Robot, andVolcanopedia. Visitors can also enjoy a variety of entertainment, from live music, modern dance, to cosplay competition.

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