ITB Held Third Graduation Ceremony of Academic Year 2017/2018

Oleh Ahmad Fadil

Editor Ahmad Fadil

BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held Third Graduation Ceremony of Academic Year 2017/2018 at Sabuga, Jalan Tamansari, Bandung. There were 1,954 graduates that attended the ceremony.

601 graduates of Master’s program, 34 graduates of Doctoral program, and 12 graduates of profession program attended the ceremony on Friday, 20th July 2018 and 1,307 graduates of undergraduate program attended the ceremony on Saturday, 21th July 2018.

Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, delivered his speech that carried the theme Meeting the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Rector explained about the birth of the term ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’ that becomes the current international highlight. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution requires the role of smart and wise human in science, technology, arts, and humanity,” Kadarsah stated, which is also included on ITB graduation book.

In the middle of the first day of graduation, Rector of ITB introduced Dr. Khoiruddin, one of doctoral graduates, to other graduates and guests. Dr Khoiruddin, as Rector said, received his doctoral degree only in his 32th. Dr. Khoiruddin is a doctor from Chemical Engineering of ITB with 36 Scopus indexed international journals.

Rector then advised the graduates to practice their knowledge and capability to give benefit to their environment. At the end of his speech, Rector paid tribute to lecturers and students that made great accomplishments nationally or internationally from March to June 2018 by mentioning their names and achievements.

On this graduation ceremony, there were several foreign students graduating, coming from various countries. They are Raudhatul Hassanah Azahar (Malaysia), Nurul Shafiqah Palawangi (Malaysia), Tan Yi Jia (Malaysia), Dao Huy Thuong (Vietnam), Heak Vannak (Cambodia), Seng Sunhor (Cambodia), Mr Yee Yanglasyjiavue (Laos), Temkimleang (Cambodia), Xengmoua Vaneng (Laos), Huy Visal (Cambodia), Pham Xuan Quang (Vietnam), Nur Syakirin Binti Saharom (Malaysia), Fu Guan Zhen (China),  and Khoriyoh Baha (Thailand).

Reporter: Adi Permana

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