ITB has Organized 1500 Community Service Programs from 2012 to 2021
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, — The Head of Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Institut Teknologi Bandung, Dr. Yuli Setyo Indartono had the opportunity to present the ITB contributions in the development of technology and community service in the underdeveloped remote frontier areas (3T) during the Southeast Asian Technical University Consortium (SEATUC), Wednesday (23/2/2022).
SEATUC Presidential Meeting is organized by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). This community consists of some universities in Southeast Asia and Japan, such as HUST & HCUMT (Vietnam). KMUTT (Thailand), UTM (Malaysia), SIT (Japan). And ITB & UGM (Indonesia). The meeting raised the theme "Empowering Communities through Innovative Engineering, Science, and Technology" which aims to provide information regarding consortium journals, symposiums, and other events to discuss future collaborative works for SEATUC. ITB sent Dr. Yuli Setyo Indartono as an ambassador in this meeting.
ITB Development Program in the Underdeveloped Remote Frontier Area
Dr. Yuli explained that ITB is working to implement its technology and knowledge to the underdeveloped remote frontier (3T) areas in Indonesia. To this day, Indonesia has a total of 75436 village-level administration, and around 19.17% of those villages are considered 3T villages. The community services that have been carried out by ITB include aspects of applied technology, design, business model, policy, infrastructure, arts, humanity, and disaster mitigation. The priorities of the designated community services include village empowerment, economic recovery, disaster mitigation, and adaptation, and creative industry and tourism.
The location in which the community services have been carried is divided into five areas, Bandung (Area 1), West Java (Area 2), Java Island (Area 3), Outside Java Island (Area 4), underdeveloped remote frontier (Area 5). From 2012 to 2021, it is recorded that 1500 community services have been carried out. ITB has three integrated institutions that are specialized to produce research-based innovation, LPPM ITB which focuses on basic research management, LPIK ITB which focuses on industrial-scale prototype and patent registration, INOVASI ITB & ITB INNIVATION PARK which focus on the commercialization and the licensing of ITB innovational output.
The scope of ITB research and community services includes energy, disaster mitigation, water source, ICT, Biotech, food sovereignty, village infrastructure, and creative industry. ITB has succeeded in producing multiple medical devices such as Portable Ventilation (Vent-I), Air-Purification Respirator (VitaFlo), and Multifunction Ventilator (Ventinesia).
"Moreover, ITB has contributed to providing online learning infrastructure in the underdeveloped remote frontier areas as an answer to the pandemic, in which most of the school activities were done online," said Dr. Yuli.
One form of ITB contribution to the economy is the creation of a catfish pond management device that utilizes IoT. This device acts as a sensor for temperature, pH, oxygen level, and other parameters.
Reporter: Tarisa Putri (Chemical Engineering, 2019)
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)