Held IChEC, Chemical Engineering ITB Lift Sustainable Mineral Processing Issues

Oleh Ninik Susadi Putri

Editor Ninik Susadi Putri

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Recognizing the importance of mineral processing and sustainable materials, Chemical Engineering Students Association (HIMATEK) ITB, Indonesia held Chemical Engineering Challenge (IChEC) in 2015. At the age of 16, the IChEC started with the pre- events such as essay writing contest and poster-making contest that began in January 2015. As a core activity, IChEC showed plant design competition, competition solving case studies and seminars on Saturday (04/11/15).

As a pre-event, essay competition and making posters to attract the attention of more than 70 students in the ASEAN region. With the theme of the processing of minerals and sustainable materials, in addition to enhance creativity and increase knowledge, poster contest challenged each participant to establish a systematic presentation of information, interesting, and educate the reader about the mineral processing and materials. No less challenging, demanding an essay competition the participants to analyze carefully about the condition of mineral deposits and potential development of the mineral industry in the ASEAN region. Not enough deep analysis capabilities, to win the competitions above, the participants must be able to integrate existing data with scintillating ideas to produce a solution that was effective for the realization of mineral processing and sustainable materials.

Plant design competition and solving case study requires participants to a conversation mineral processing and materials. Besides prosecuted produce an effective treatment process, the participants are required to assess the economic and environmental aspects of the mineral processing. As chairman of the division of the competition, Aldrich Tyto (Chemical Engineering, 2011) said that the plant design competition and competition solving case studies are intended to bridge the chemical engineering students with industrial cases, where such cases in the future will certainly be found in real life industry.

As a closing of IChEC 2015, held a seminar with the theme "Towards Mineral Processing Technology and Sustainable Materials". The seminar was divided into two sessions, presenting Dr. Ir. Simon Felix Sembiring as the main speaker in the first session. The first session with a discussion of the achievement of the target and the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources regulations on the increase in value-added minerals, helped bring Ir. Harjanto, M.Eng as Director General of the Ministry of Industry and Manufacturing Industry as government representatives, and Ir. Ladjiman Damanik, M.Eng as representative Mineral Indonesian Employers Association. While in the second session, Irma Kurniawati of PT Outotec Indonesia and Ir. Radian Z. PT Engineering Industrial discuss and introduce a variety of mineral processing technologies and materials available today. As the final speaker, Hery Dwiputranto as a Senior Process Engineer PT Antam, presented plans smelter grade alumina plant in the region Mempawah, West Kalimantan, as the realization of sustainable mineral processing.

The event was attended by IChEC students from various universities in the ASEAN region as Universiti Teknologi Petronas, University of Malaya, Curtin University (Sarawak), Universiti Teknologi MARA, University Cholalangkorn, University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, Institute of Technology Ten November Institute of Technology Bandung, as well as a variety of other college. Ryan Christnata Hardika (Chemical Engineering, 2011) as the chairman of the event hope that students of chemical engineering can be a solution to the problems of industries in Indonesia.

About IchEC
Initiated by the Student Association of Chemical Engineering (HIMATEK) ITB, IChEC started in 1996 with the initial name of National Design Contest Factory (LRPTN) which became a national competition to design the most prestigious factories throughout the chemical engineering students throughout Indonesia. LRPTN continues to grow and eventually not only covers part of Indonesia, ASEAN successfully covered the 14th competition in 2013 with the headline Regional competition Future Energy Challenge (RFEC). Because the design of the plant was no longer the sole activity, LRPTN and RFEC melt into IChEC.

IChEC was an annual event organized by ITB HIMATEK who collaborated with the Chemical Engineering Program ITB. Also the support of the Coordinating Board of Chemical Engineering Students Working Indonesia (BKKMTKI), IChEC retaining the original aim to continue to raise awareness and spirit of chemical engineering students that would become a global leader who was not only proficient in chemical engineering science, but proficient in a variety of disciplines.

Overview of HIMATEK ITB
HIMATEK ITB is a set that promote professional development in the field of chemical technology. The formation of character and soft skills for its members, as well as providing shades for Indonesian student, always upheld as the ultimate vision since HIMATEK established on 26 September 1952. It has a secretariat in Labtek-X ITB, HIMATEK become the umbrella organization for students of Chemical Engineering ITB to develop themselves to be fully human. Development of applied chemical technology and community service nuanced profession, became the hallmark of the movement HIMATEK ITB.

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