ITB Held ICREM 2017
By Fauziah Maulani
Editor Fauziah Maulani

BANDUNG, – Mathematics Study Program of ITB in cooperation with Institute for Mathematical Research (INSPEM), Universitas Putra Malaysia, and Institutes of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (IMVAST) held The 8th International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics (ICREM) on (11-13/08/17) at Aula Timur ITB. The conference intended to unite mathematicians, scientists, and industrialists from South East Asian and the world together to share knowledge, ideas, collaborations, and to present researches about all aspects of mathematics and its application.
“I hope this conference will give a chance for participants to share new ideas and apply their experiences, build research connection, and meet global partners for future collaboration,” said Rinovia Simanjuntak as the Head of ICREM 2017.
The keynote speaker for the conference was Motoko Kotani from Tohoku University, Japan on (12/08/17), while the plenary speakers were Phùng Hô Hai (IMVAST), Marian Roque (University of The Philippines Diliman), Aida Suraya (Universitas Putra Malaysia), Maman Djauhari (Center for Statistical and Analytical Data), and Johan Matheus Tuwankotta (ITB). Other contributing speakers come from various universities in both Indonesia and the World, one of whom is Muhammad Al Kahfi, ITB 2017 Outstanding Stundents.
Matoko Kotani discussed “Mathematic Challenges in Comprehending Material”. With challenges from Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR) to set the base of character prediction/material function through material collaboration of math-sciences, there are three target projects, namely mathematical dynamic system based non-equilibrium material, topological functional material, and discreet geometric analysis based multi-scale material hierarchy. On that occasion, Matoko discussed some results that emerge from the project.