ITB Hold Open Session of Admissions Academic Year 2016/2017
By Cintya Nursyifa
Editor Cintya Nursyifa

BANDUNG, - after completing all step of New Student Registration (PMB) ITB 2016 on Tuesday-Friday (02-05/08/16), ITB deploying Inauguration Admissions (PPMB) to academic year 2016/2017 on Monday (08/08/16) housed in the building of Sasana Budaya Ganesha ITB. Open Session led by the Rector of ITB, Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi. A series of Admissions Inauguration event is divided into two sessions, namely session for master and doctoral degrees in the morning and the undergraduate program in the afternoon.

The event then continued with the scientific oration by Dr. rer. nat. Aluicia Anita Artarini of the School of Pharmacy (SF) at the master's and doctoral program sessions entitled "Keunikan Virus Influenza sebagai Dasar Pencarian Obat Antivirus Baru" (Uniqueness of Influenza Virus as the Basis for the Research of New Antiviral Drugs). Aluicia convey his research in the field of Virology as well as research in the world in a bid to seek treatment. At the end of oration, Aluicia anonymous message for a new master's degree program students and doctorates to continue researching. "If at first you don't succeed, search and search again. That's why we call it research," he said.
At a session of the undergraduate program, Andar Bagus Sriwarno, M.Sn, Ph.d. from the Faculty of fine arts design (FSRD) had the opportunity to deliver scientific oration entitled "Membangun Konsep Desain yang Kreatif untuk Pengembangan Produk Inovatif" (Developing Creative Design Concepts for the Development of Innovative Products). In his scientific oration, Andar share his experiences about the research and development product design already done by academician of Product Design Study Program of ITB. "Therefore the opportunity of studying in ITB as a pivotal moment in the building of consciousness for their own region in more maximum," said Andar close the scientific oration.
PPMB 2016 ended with the surrender of the prize to the best student of the academic value and Ganesha 2016 award. The best academic award given to a student achievers in each study program and to the achiever student selection finalists in ITB level are surpassed by Muhammad Ghifari Ridwan (Petroleum Engineering 2013). Awards are also given to students who have already won prestigious competitions either in individual or team. Ganesha Awards 2016 consists of three achievers of Ganesha Perkasa (sporting achievement), one achiever of Ganesha Rasa (achievement field of art, culture, religion), 46 achievers of Ganesha Karsa (the achievements of scientific and social fields viable), and 26 achievers of Ganesha Karya (the achievements of innovation).