ITB-Korea Stregthen Cooperation in Cyber Security

Oleh Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

BANDUNG, - On the era of technological war today, Cyber ​​Security issues are very likely affect the stability of a country. Measures such as piracy and cyber sabotage to theft of state's confidential documents lately often struck. This can attack both military and non-military sectors. By 2015, internet user penetration expected to reach 87 million people. The increase will be followed by the threat of crime in cyberspace. Wary of the threat, the Department of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia hopes not only military, but all walks of life can assist in maintaining Indonesia from Cyber ​​Attack.

Departing from this problem, since 2013, ITB made a new breakthrough in the field of Science and Technology to build facilities Cyber ​​Security at ITB Jatinangor. ITB took the South Korean government, through the institution named The Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), establish KOICA-ITB Building Cyber ​​Security R & D Center, which was inaugurated last year untu face threats in the virtual world. In addition to the building, KOICA and ITB also agreed to offset each other in terms of the cyber technology advances.

On Friday (8/5/15), ITB has a cooperation agreements with Korean government assistance in improving the educational infrastructure in the ITB. Cooperation titled Handover Inter-Korean ITB Cyber ​​Security Center and Bus Hanover done to improve the excellency both sides in the cyber security development. ITB has got help in the form of a bus unit in order to improve cyber security technology, economics, and human resources that it is hoped will be able to produce quality workers for the industry of both countries in the future. The handover was signed by Rector of ITB, Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi and Kim Byung Gwan, Representative of KOICA.

Strengthen Indonesian-Korean Cooperation in the Field of Cyber ​​Security

Until now, Indonesia is still classified as a developing country with issues of cyber threats, and the sensitive issue of national security. Cooperation is undertaken both parties have undertaken two parties are expected to take on a larger role around the issues facing the threat of cyber, and challenges to the research and development of science for the young generation of Indonesia. "This collaboration has done to strengthen cyber security in Indonesia," Prof. Suwarno (Dean STEI ITB) explained.

Korean government help Indonesia in terms of building infrastructure such as procurement assistance KOICA-ITB Cyber ​​Security Center and its contents, including means of transport for pupils and students to the campus ITB Jatinangor where Cyber ​​Security Center stood. "We chose ITB because it is the top universities in Indonesia, especially in terms of the technology to enhance the technological capabilities of IT Security, economic, and human resources that it is hoped will be able to produce quality workers of the two countries in the field of industry in the future," Kim Byung Gwan said.

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