ITB New Student Admissions for 2020, The Minister of Transportation Explains Government Policies and Strategies in the Transportation Industry Sector
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - The Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Budi Karya Sumadi welcomed the new ITB students for the Academic Year 2020/2021 when he became the keynote speaker at the Online New Student Admissions for 2020/2021, Thursday (10/9/2020).
Apart from conveying his congratulations, the Minister of Transportation also explained several points regarding the policies and strategies of the transportation industry sector. He said, following the mandate contained in the national priority agenda point 5 of the National Medium-Term Development Plan for 2020-2024, emphasizing that infrastructure development must be continued.
“Organized infrastructure development on all fronts (land, air, and sea) is not only for the economy and basic services but can improve connectivity. Connectivity is a comprehensive word that can unite Indonesia. Focusing on infrastructure can impact the global competitiveness index. again it can reduce logistics costs,” he said.
The Ministry of Transportation continues to strive to provide reliable and affordable public transportation. One of them is in the land sector in improving connectivity and accessibility through several programs which are pioneering subsidies for transportation on rivers, lakes, and ferries, subsidized buses, bioservices, and service schemes. This program was conducted for the first time in Bandung and has been carried out in several other cities.
He continued, the Ministry of Transportation is always adaptive to the state of technology, of course in welcoming industry 4.0. The Ministry of Transportation has also implemented services in the transportation sector digitally, such as BLUE (Electronic Test Passing Proof), e-ticketing, e-receipt, e-SRUT (Electronic Type Test Certification), e-logbook, and online weighbridge.
"All the policy and strategic steps that have been taken to connect the diversity of Indonesia, provide added value to economic growth, increase more equitable basic services and safety of transportation and increase the efficiency of logistics costs," he added,
In 2045, it is predicted to be a golden period for Indonesia because it will get a demographic bonus. For this reason, the Minister of Transportation advised all of us to prepare for this by equipping ourselves in certain qualified areas of expertise. Because we are not only experiencing domestic competition but global competition. “Therefore, I hope that ITB students will remain serious, diligent, and consistent in equipping themselves with various knowledge and skills,” he explained.
Reporter: Hutahaean Andina Putri
Translator: Evita Sonny