ITB Signed Cooperation MoU with IT Telkom
By Ria Ayu Pramudita
Editor Ria Ayu Pramudita

The cooperation between ITB and IT Telkom has been going since the establishment of IT Telkom 22 years ago. Since then, IT Telkom has inaugurated 15,000 alumni and 12 study program focusing in information and communication technonologies. Availabe study programs are eight undergraduate study programs, two postgraduate study programs, and two diploma programs. The MoU recently signed was aimed to make the cooperation official and broader in the application of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, academic and study program development, joint research, also academic and student collaboration.
In the signing event of the MoU, IT Telkom was represented by Ahmad T. Hanuranto as Rector of IT Telkom. "With this cooperation, it is hoped that ITB is able to officially assist IT Telkom in various fields, because science- and technology-based university development must run at full speed," said Ahmad.