ITB Third Graduation Ceremony 2011/2012 Welcomes 1571 ITB Graduates

Oleh Gilang Ariawan Wicaksono

Editor Gilang Ariawan Wicaksono

BANDUNG, - As many as 1571 students having completed their study at ITB were attending ITB Third Graduation Ceremony 2011/2012 on Friday and Saturday (13-14/07/12). The ceremony which was held at Sasana Budaya Ganesha was attended by heads of the institute, academic staffs, graduates, and invited guests.
The ceremony started with welcoming speech by ITB Board of Trustee, Board of Professor, and Academic Senates. When they solemnly entered the room, ITB Choir (PSM), a student unit, accompanied by singing Mars ITB. The procession was continued with all attendants singing Indonesia Raya, the national anthem, followed by ITB Graduates Oath recital.

This time, 1571 students graduate, 1099 of which are students of Bachelor programs, 466 of which are students of Magister programs, and the other 6 are of Doctorate programs. The ceremony to celebrate the Magister and Doctorate graduates was held on Friday (13/07/12), while the ceremony to celebrate the Bachelor graduates was held on Saturday (14/07/12).

In his speech, ITB Rector, Prof. Akhmaloka, emphasized the importance of community-centered scientific and technological innovations. "All of you are academicians responsible for scientific advancement," said Akhmaloka.

Prof. Akhmaloka, in this occasion, also told the attending graduates to actively involved in doing meaningful interactions and dialogues with society. "We need to actively involved in these activities to understand the problems in society and linkages between one problem and the others," said Akhmaloka.

After the congratulations to graduates from ITB Rector, faculty deans, and major heads, the procession was continued with speech from student representative. In this occasion, Mahasiswa Berprestasi (Student of the Year) ITB 2011, Reswita Dery Gisriani (Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 2008) elaborated the importance of bringing ITB and Indonesia name in national and international community.

"While we were studying, the knowledges and experiences that we got contribute greatly in our self-development, whether is academic or non-academic. We must grab the opportunities," said Reswita.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Always have faith that Indonesia will make a great nation," she added.

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