ITB Rector : ITB Goods and Service Procurement System Should be Efficient, Transparent, and Accountable

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, - "ITB have tried to understand the new regulation and insist that the goods and service procurement will become more efficient, transparent, and accountable." said ITB rector, Prof. Dr. Akhmaloka on Socialization of President Regulation No. 54/2010 which was held on Thursday (23/12/10) in East Hall ITB. The socialization event was the part of the alteration of President Decision No. 80/2003

ITB Logistic Director, Dr. Ir. Muhamad Abduh, M.T. said that Perpres No. 54/2010 have been used as a substitute Keppres no. 80/2003 which will not be implemented by 1 January 2011. "Due to the alteration, ITB should follow the government procedure in goods and service procurement which come from APBN fund." 

The socialization event was attended by  Director of LKPP General Procurement Policy Ir. Sutan Suangkupon Lubis, M.Sc. The topic that been delivered are the strategy and, general policy of goods and service procurement, the difference between Keppres No. 80/2003 and Perpres No.54/2010, and the implementation of goods and service procurement according to Perpres No. 54/2010.

The alteration guidelines from Keppres No.80/2003 to Perpres No.54/2010 are the following :

*Create a more conducive condition to fair competition, government expenditure efficiency, and to accelerate the implementation of APBN / APBD
*Introduce the system, regulation, method, and simpler procedure by emphasizing on good governance
*Clarify the self-management concept
*Clarify the regulation
*Support the innovation, creative economy, and industry autonomy
*Introduce a better reward and punishment system

Better Procurement System

According to ITB Logistic Director, ITB is granted by World Bank to create procurement training center. "ITB is considered to have better procurement system among other universities." Because of the achievement, ITB Rector expect that ITB could constantly create more accountable procurement system.

In addition, ITB Rector also asked the students to control the goods and service management in iTB. "Student can learn a lot to criticize the goods and service procurement in ITB, and this is also serves as a learning laboratories to study about certain fields." said Prof. Dr. Akhmaloka.

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