ITB Signed Memorandum of Understanding with the Geospatial Information Agency

Oleh Bangkit Dana Setiawan

Editor Bangkit Dana Setiawan

BANDUNG, - Mapping the region needs to be done by a state. This is to reinforce the territorial area within a government. Through this thinking, Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) invited Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) to cooperate with the theme "Utilization of Science and Related Geospatial Information Technology Development". Signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was held on Thursday (03/07/14) at ITB East Hall. In this event, BIG was represented by Dr. Asep Karsidi, MSc. As the Head of Geospatial Informantion Agency and the respresentative of ITB is Prof. Akhmaloka, Ph.D. as ITB Rector.

"The signing of this agreement is the culmination of coorporation which had been established between BIG and ITB, particularly through Faculty of Earth and Technology (FITB). MoU aims to enhance synergy between ITB and BIG in improving quality of human resource, developing science and related geospatial technology, and to support national development," Asep Karsidi said in his speech. BIG as the first party asserts that this cooperation is a step that needs to be implemented, since ITB as Institution which has to produce high quality human resource.

One of the MoU substance is to help socializing BIG programmes, especially in making legal and accurate map, and to do research and learning for both parties about mapping in Indonesia. "Since the state border problems are still rife in Indonesia, the implementation of these cooperation is expected to help the main problem. Certainly after the doing the research between to parties," Akhmaloka said.

For ITB, major implementations obtained are the opening of opportunity to utilize the BIG laboratories for doing some researches in geospatial fields. "BIG certainly can not be separated independently with the elements of college, through this cooperation, we think that BIG along with would be able to develop advanced geospatial technology," added by Sri Lestari Munajati as Head of Promotion and Cooperation of BIG.

Prior to signing the MoU, Prof. Akhmaloka and Asep Karsidi attended the open session in commemoration of 94 years of Higher Education of Engineering in Indonesia which is hosted by ITB. The session was also attended by Minister of State for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic Indonesia, Dr.Ir. Anwar Abubakar, MM., who gave speech about higher education in Indonesia. In the event, Asep Karsidi got the ITB award individual category by the type of award "Ganesha Widya Adiutama Services" for his contribution in the field of geospatial Indonesia.

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