The Phoenix Team from ITB Won Intrapreneurship Award of L’Oreal Brandstorm 2019

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

*Photo by: Phoenix Team
*Photo by: Phoenix Team

BANDUNG, – Students of ITB earned an achievement on international level. The Phoenix Team, consisted of three students studying in School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI) of ITB, won Intrapreneurship Award 2019 of L’Oreal Brandstorm 2019 in Paris, France on 24 May 2019.
The team consisted of members Albert Sahala Theodore (Informatics 2016), Johan Poernomo (Electrical Engineering 2016), and Rifda Annelies (Information System and Technology 2016). Prior to this award, the team won regional L’Oreal Brandstorm 2019 in Jakarta on 21 March 2019.

L’Oreal Brandstorm is a competition held by a cosmetics company L’Oreal with a theme “Invent the Future Skincare Experience for Health-Conscious Consumers” in coordination with L’Oreal Active Cosmetics.

Sixty five teams from 65 different countries participated in international phase of L’Oreal Brandstorm 2019. Each participating team had to present a technological innovation integrated with L’Oreal products.

The Phoenix Team carried their innovation, a bracelet named EzBand that comes with a smartphone app and product design by La Roche-Posay of L’Oreal Active Cosmetics. They got the idea from frequent eczema occurrences. Eczema is a skin disease characterized by a red skin rash that can be triggered by allergens, dry skin, and temperature change.

Eczema is curable only with daily treatment that prevent skin rash. The Phoenix Team developed the product with children on their mind because symptoms may appear as early as five years old. The disease might cause psychological and psychosocial impact to children suffered from eczema. Hence, support from parents are needed in the treatment of children with eczema.

EzBand is a bracelet that give reminder of skin treatment to children suffering from eczema. Reminder is also sent through smartphone application which is accessible by parents so that they can apply skin treatment product to their kids and prevent the symptoms.

Johan said, in order to develop the product, the team members applied knowledge that currently grow fast such as IoT (Internet of Things) and mobile application. The team also created a design that might attract mothers and children, in the shape of crayon which is easy to use, practical, and portable.

“We got interesting experience from the competition. It becomes a place for us to grow and apply knowledge in electrical engineering, because the device is related to IoT,” said Johan.

The Phoenix Team made several enhancements to their product before the competition started. The enhancement make the device more stable and used well. Moreover, the team also made preparation by doing monitoring together with mentor from L’Oreal Indonesia, exercise presentation, and other activities that invite calmness to mind such as strolling around together.

In this competition, the team have to participate in a series of workshop in the first phase of L’Oreal Brandstorm 2019. The workshop was consisted of two sessions. The first session is about innovation of L’Oreal product related to technology, while the second session is focussed on perfect pitching and delivery of content.

“The competition is very interesting. We received mentoring from experienced speakers on the workshop session and receive real lesson. We also got a chance to meet with people of diverse backgrounds,” said Albert, another member of the team.

After workshop session, participating teams had to do pitching on their booth in front of three groups of five jury. They had to explain in details about their innovation and convince the jury. After the pitching, 6 teams were selected, coming from USA, Canada, India, Portugal, Germany, and Indonesia. Those 6 teams then delivered presentation on a big stage in front of public and L’Oreal’s Executives. At the end, the jury chose Phoenix Team as the winner of Intrapreneurship Award 2019. 

“We are very happy to represented ITB in this global competition. We got to meet new friends and mentors who gave constructive suggestions,” said Rifda.

As the winner of the competition, the Phoenix Team got an apprenticeship and cooperation opportunity with L’Oreal for three months at Station F. During that period, the team together with L’Oreal will develop the prototype of their innovation. They hope their product are used and beneficial for many. “Do not be afraid to try as long as there is commitment,” Albert said.

Reporter: Verdyllan Nurrendra Agusta (Industrial Engineering 2016)

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