ITB Signed MoU with Monash University for Research Agreement
By Ria Ayu Pramudita
Editor Ria Ayu Pramudita

In the past 50 years, Monash University has gained national and international reputation for research and teaching, such as 6th world rank in pharmacy and pharmacology, 15th world rank in law studies, and 16th world rank in education based on QS World University Subject Ranking 2012.
In the visit, Monash University conveyed the university's intention to build joint research cooperation in various fields noted in Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The joint research cooperation will be focused on sustainable development, transportation, air pollution, and public health. There is a hope to answer the challenge of environmental quality degradation with a danger of life quality degradation along with the challenge of increasing numbers of vehicles.Paul McShane, one of Monash University delegates, conveyed his interest in sustainability field and intention to do joint research. "I am interested in how research is able to effectively influence development and policy implementations in sustainable development, as we see in the response of the climate change nowadays," said Paul.
Sejalan dengan program internasionalisasi ITB, Edwan Kardena mengungkapkan harapannya agar kerjasama ITB dengan Monash University dapat dikembangkan. Selain kerjasama penelitian (joint research), ITB dan Monash University dapat juga mengadakan kerjasama dengan program seperti pertukaran pelajar atau profesor, program double degree, publikasi karya ilmiah atau seminar. "Semoga kerja sama ini mampu meningkatkan kualitas penelitian ITB sehingga mencapai taraf internasional. Selain itu, semoga adanya kerjasama ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh seluruh fakultas yang dimiliki oleh ITB," ujar Edwan Kardena.
Along with internationalization program of ITB, Edwan Kardena conveyed his hope that ITB and Monash University can develop the cooperation. Not only joint research cooperation, but also student and professor exchange, double degree program, and scientific papers or seminars. "I hope the cooperation can increase the research quality in ITB to reach international level. Besides, this cooperation is available for all faculties in ITB," said Edwan Kardena.