ITB Student Family Celebrates 15th Anniversary
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, - "Today, centralized studentship is starting to be left out and forgotten. We gather here, now, not to be proud of the different colors we wear. We are here for centralized studentship," ITB Student Family President Herry Dharmawan stressed in the family's anniversary, held in the Triangle Field in East Campus Center.
In the oration, Herry recalled the student movement 15 years ago when the family was born. Back then, it aimed to become the best. But lately, attention and care have dwindled.
The event was attended by masses from all unions in ITB. With their uniquely colored jackets, each representing their union, they marched towards the field to listen to the president's oration. The unions carried with them trees of wishes filled with prayers and wishes for the future student family.
Union presidents gave their speeches in turn to burn the spirits of those present that day in order to stay united despite differences in major. The event continued with the union presidents blowing the anniversary candles and then the releasing of balloons to the sky, representing high hopes for the family.
For closing, a film containing the student family's year-by-year history, starting from 1965, was viewed. Aligned with the event's motto, "To Look, Think, Move for the People in One ITB," the viewing aimed to unite the campus in memories.