ITB Student Participated in the International Conference One Young World in Zurich, Swiss

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, - Vincentius Dito Krista Holanda (Chemical Engineering 2008) became one of the delegations of Indonesia sent by the National Ministry of Education to the event One Young World, a conference held for the young generation of the world, on early September (1-4/9/11) in Zurich, Swiss. Along with Dito were dispatched Astrio Feligent (Universitas Bina Nusantara) and Sheila Koesin (Universitas Teknokrat Lampung) as fellow national debating champions along with four Student Executive Board (BEM) presidents: Muhammad Reza Pahlevi (IPB), Lutfhi Hamzah Husin (UGM), Dalu Nuzlul Kirom (ITS), and Ali Machfud (UPI), as well as the talented musician, Sherina Munaf.

One Young World is a global forum for youths with high leadership skills. This conference shows the reality of humanity and the joint existence of mankind in one world, and upholds the purpose of connecting and ensuring that the young generation's concern about the problems around the globe, opinions, and solutions they offer would be heard by the world.

The conference One Young World is first held in London on 8-10 February 2010 and succeeded in attracting 823 young leaders from 112 countries. This conference focused itself on six key resolutions developed as responses from the most pressing issues of the world at the moment, as identified by the One Young World Global Consultation Process, a survey conducted with more than 15000 respondents with the age range of 18-27 years old from all continents on Planet Earth. These resolutions were the focus from the plenary session of the conference where counselors such as Kofi Annan, Bob Geldof, Muhammad Yunus and Desmond Tutu facilitated debates and dialogues between delegates who became both speakers and their audience.

>Dito was chosen because he succeeded in taking second place in the National University English Debate Championship (NUEDC) held by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti). In this competition, Dito also managed to snatch the title of Best Speaker.

In the conference, Dito brought forth a project entitled "Cleanliness Movement for Indonesian Healthy Families". This project comes in the form of socialization to villages on diarrhea prevention and curative measures and is presented by Dito in One Young World 2011 as the Ambassador for Entrostop.


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