ITB Student Represents Indonesia in the World Creative Youth Forum 2009

Oleh asni jatiningasih

Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, - Students of School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB, Safir Muhammad Fajri Soeparna become the official representative from Indonesia in the World Creative Youth Forum (WCYF I) at the University of Phillipphine, Manila.
During five days, 5-10 May 2009, Safir will join together with 100 participants from various countries to discuss and simulate the social activities that inline with the concept of sustainable development which is ethics on life and technology, social entrepreneurship, climate change, peace and human rights issues, and the style of environmental friendly living. In this opportunity, Safir acts as the ambassador of Climate Change Solvency representative of Indonesia that willjoin with representatives from Australia, Italy, Nigeria, Iran, Moldova, and the Philippines.

Sapphire, the SBM Student 2006, is entitled to represent Indonesia after the successful presentation delivered the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which carried by DASHCompany. DASH Company is a company formed by Safir along  with 33 colleagues in the SBM.

Safir explained how Dash Company do the development of primary facilities in the Village Ciwidey, West Java. Most of the company profit dedicated to financing the development of clean water, roads, and built a musholla where Muslims people can pray.

According to the plan, WCYF participants will have the opportunity  to have a discussions with President of the Philippines, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

Sending the representatives to the youth conference on world level, ITB prove itself as the pioneer university in Indonesia to participate actively in the concept of sustainable development, as the concept that carried by WCYF.

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