ITB Student Wins Gold Medal at National English Science Olympiad
By Wiwin Indira Rakhmanisa - Mahasiswa Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika, 2020
Editor M. Naufal Hafizh, S.S.

BANDUNG, – Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Study Program student of Institut Teknologi bandung (ITB), Faiz Saiful Hakim, won a gold medal in the Nusantara Science Olympiad Week (POSN) held by on Tuesday (4/6/2024).
This prestigious competition was attended by 11,742 participants from 100 universities throughout Indonesia. It was held online through the platform.
In this competition, participants asked a series of questions that had to be completed within a certain time. The results of this competition were then sorted based on the highest score to determine the winner of the gold medal, silver medal, bronze medal, or non-medalist participants.
Faiz said that his main reason for joining this competition was his love for English. “I like learning English. I also used to think about studying abroad and had also made preparations to apply. From there I learned a lot about English such as TOEFL, vocabulary, basic conversations, and others," he said.
Regarding the preparation for the Olympiad, Faiz focused on physical and mental readiness. He repeated the material he had studied and tried to familiarize himself with the various materials that might appear in the questions. The preparation emphasized recalling relevant materials and getting used to it.
The experience of participating in the English Olympiad was the first for Faiz. It became a special memory.
The story of Faiz Saiful Hakim shows that with dedication and thorough preparation, students can achieve brilliant achievements in various fields, even outside their academic majors.
Reporter: Wiwin Indira Rakhmanisa (Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, 2020)
Translator: Ayesha Lativa Mafaza (Postharvest Technology, 2021)