ITB Management Students Clinch Two Gold Medals at the 27th National Championship of Pencak Silat Intercollegiate 2023

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, – The ITB team won three gold medals and four bronze medals at the 27th National Championship of Pencak Silat Intercollegiate 2023. They were competing for the President of the Republic of Indonesia's Rotating Trophy.

The championship took place at GOR Pajajaran Bandung from August 2 to 6, 2023, with International Women University serving as the host. This event signifies the inaugural championship following the conclusion of the Covid-19 pandemic. The previous event, known as Kejurnas Antarperti XXVI, was held in Surabaya in 2017.

In addition to the ITB contingent, a total of 59 contingents from different universities in Indonesia took part in the championship. There were a total of 294 athletes who participated. They participated in a total of 12 match categories, which included variations based on IPSI and Pencak Silat.

ITB has achieved a number of medals, including a gold medal earned by Aninditaputri Daniswara (Management) in the Women's Class A Serang Hindar and Women's Combined Solo categories.

Serang Hindar is a technique in pencak silat that involves the precise and efficient application of attacking and evading maneuvers. In contrast, combined solo entails the skillful integration of pencak silat techniques, incorporating both offensive and defensive maneuvers, into a visually captivating series of movements.

Aninditaputri, also known as Indi, shared the thorough preparations she went through, which included focusing on physical fitness, mental preparedness, and gaining a deep understanding of pencak silat techniques. Throughout her training, Indi received guidance from multiple coaches, most of whom were former students of ITB's pencak silat programme. It is worth noting that both of Indi's parents also had careers as coaches.

Indi discussed the most difficult aspect of her experience in this championship. She decided to participate in the competition just two months prior to the event. As a student pursuing a degree in Management at ITB, this period aligns with the commencement of the third semester, also known as the Short Semester (SP).

"Students from other faculties were already on break, and we began the 3rd semester, which lasted only 2 months. The packed training schedule and busy lecture timetable required me to manage my time, energy, and maintain my health," she said.

Therefore, Indi adhered to a nutritious diet in order to maintain physical fitness. In addition to adhering to her scheduled training, Indi incorporated silat movement techniques into her daily routine, including jumps and silat steps.

"Additionally, I was surrounded by family and friends who always supported me. This greatly helped me stay enthusiastic in achieving success," she stated.

Indi acknowledged that the matches provided a chance to engage in friendly competition and build camaraderie with pencak silat practitioners from different universities in Indonesia, such as UNPAD, UGM, UDAYANA, UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA, and UNJ.

Reporter: Hafsah Restu Nurul Annafi (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2019)

Editor: M. Naufal Hafizh

Translator: Anggi Nurdiani (Manajemen, 2021)

Editor: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)

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