ITB Students Championed UAV Eurofest 2019 for Evacuation UAV Design
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

*Aatreya Abimanyu Team
BANDUNG, – Students of Institut Teknologi Bandung earn remarkable achievement. Aatreya Abimanyu Team of Aksantara ITB came first in UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Design Competition Aerofest 2019 organized by Aeronautic Technology Center of National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Pustekbang LAPAN) on 8-9 July 2019 in Rumpin, Bogor.
The team consist of leader Moh. Alif Maarif Mabbrur (Aerospace Engineering 2016) and members Dimas Apeco Putra (Engineering Physics 2016) and Andrea Eka Putri (Aerospace Engineering 2016). This national competition is the first competition on aviation, held to commemorate eight years of Pustekbang LAPAN.
This UAV competition raise the theme “Fly Your Humanity for Disaster”. The aim is to improve aviation technology, especially in its application in Indonesia for disaster issue. The participants were students coming from all over Indonesia and selected down into 10 best. Those 10 teams were then invited to give presentation in Rumpin, Bogor on Monday (8/7/2019).
UAV for Emergency Evacuation
Influenced by the frequent disaster occurrence as well as poor disaster evacuation in Indonesia, Aatraya Abimanyu Team create UAV concept called FE-012 Flying Evacuator and Path Finder UAV”.
“In Indonesia, disasters occur frequently but sometimes the evacuation process is hampered. It is stated on a scientific journal that the critical time during evacuation process is the first 72 hours after disaster occur. In these golden hours, human has the high probability to survive, hence that should be the optimal evacuation time,” Andrea said.
In order to have more efficient evacuation time, Aatreya Abimanyu Team carry a UAV concept for disaster emergency response mission. The mission conducted including path finding, body searching, and live monitoring.
FE-012 is equipped with three main features, such as light detection and ranging, advanced positioning, and thermal camera. Light detection and ranging enables the UAV to map earth contour. Advanced positioning is operated with dead reckoning and sensor fusion algorithm to determine positions without relying to GPS satellite. Thermal camera feature enables detection of buried victim
“The result of 3D mapping can be read by the user, such as evacuation officers, and then after knowing the location, evacuation can be carried out optimally by mobilizing manpower to the mapped area,” said Alif Mabbrur as team leader.
*Aatreya Abimanyu Team (left) and Master Jeprut Team from ITB dominate UAV design competition
Jury of the competition were experts in aviation and disaster evacuation, coming from LAPAN, TNI AU, National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) and Aviation Engineer Association. This Aerofest 2019 also mark the starting point for determining UAV regulation in Indonesia. “This is the first and the biggest UAV design competition for Pustekbang LAPAN, where in the future it is plan to continually be held, and become the champion on initial competition is a relief,” said Dimas.
Their different scientific backgrounds are advantageous as they complete each other. Even though the work was mostly done during holiday, it does not hamper the team’s performance. From proposal writing until presentation preparation, all three members of the team admitted to do it with fun and joy without feeling the burden. “We did not expect too much. And do not overthink it when you fail,” Andrea concluded.
Besides Aatreya Abimanyu, ITB were also represented by Master jeprut Team who won second place. Other teams who participated in the competition come from Universitas Gajah Mada, Universitas Lampung, Universitas Andalas, Universitas Udayana, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kedirgantaraan Yogyakarta, and Universitas Gunadarma.
Reporter: Annisa Nur Diana (Environmental Engineering 2015)