ITB Organize Chemistry Summer School 2019

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – As an effort to introduce science to international level, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) organize Chemistry Summer School 2019 from 21 July – 2 August 2019. The event raises a theme “Experiencing Bandung’s Life, Science, Culture, and Heritage.”

The summer school is the first and is initiated by Chemistry Program and FMIPA ITB, in cooperation with Chemistry Students Association, and cultural students unit in ITB. Taking place at New Chemistry Building, Dean of FMIPA ITB, Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro officially opened the event on Saturday, 21 July 2019.

Twenty participants of this summer school are undergraduate students who come from various universities in Indonesia and Malaysia such as from Universitas Halu Oleo, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Institut Teknologi Bandung, and Universiti Teknologi MARA.

According to Muhammad Iqbal as a member of Chemistry Summer School 2019 committee, this event is a way to introduce science to international level. “Hopefully with this summer school, participants from both home and foreign countries can learn about science and new, unlearnt techniques. Besides, the event is also an opportunity to open new cooperation network with foreign universities and to introduce our campus to South East Asia,” said Muhammad Iqbal.

Agenda organized in the summer school consists of seminar and workshop delivered by experts from FMIPA, practical courses, and Bandung Tour. The topic of the lecture and practical courses are about pigment, analytical separation, spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and application of sorption.

“In addition to learning activities in the form of lectures and practical courses, there are other activities such as introduction to programs and campus; introduction to the city of Bandung by going to Saung Angklung Udjo, Gedung Sate, City Hall of Bandung, and Alun – Alun; cultural workshops delivered by LSS and PSTK,” he said.

Participants also come from diverse knowledge backgrounds, not necessarily related to Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Food Engineering, Interior Design, and Agrotechnology. “Besides the educational aspect, we want to open opportunities for students to create network and instill initiative,” he said

The 2019 Chemistry Summer School is part of community service activities with a scientific atmosphere. In addition to scientific insights and practical experiences, with participant’s diverse backgrounds, it opens opportunities to exchange ideas and culture as well as strengthen friendship and scientific collaboration between institutions.

"Hopefully, this will not be the last. Summer school is supposed to be fun. We pack the fun by going for a walk. Thus, participants will enjoy the activities and they can absorb the materials well. Hopefully this will be a memorable experience and better the participants, "he hoped.

Reporter: Christopher Wijaya (Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology 2016)

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