ITB Students Parade Enliven this April’s Graduation Ceremony

Oleh Anin Ayu Mahmudah

Editor Anin Ayu Mahmudah

BANDUNG, – Different from other institutions or universities, Institut Teknologi Bandung has a special way to appreciate their freshly-graduated students. Not only getting bouquet or congratulatory message, the graduates will also be parared around the campus by their friends or juniors from the same study program. Other ways to celebrate graduation are handing over project helmet, shooting the graduates with water pistol, also showing many interesting performances. How these all began?

ITB Parade, from then until now.

It is not easy to graduate from ITB, so they say. For that reason, the graduates are expected to be a good leader who can find solution over tricky problems in our country. Thus, the unusual celebration is held to appreciate the graduates and to entertain people.

Every year, ITB holds three periods of graduation ceremony; in March/April, July, and October. Last Saturday (01/04/07), KM ITB and the graduation committee just held the second graduation parade with “Superhero” as its theme. The parade started once the graduate stepped out from Sasana Budaya Ganesha assembly hall, and they were paraded to Lapangan Saraga. Every student association (HMJ) then waited for their turn to perform; from giving speech to singing their own student association march.

The parade ends in ITB main gate where the student associations showed off their own unique performances. The parade is also a competition. A prize was given to the best performer. According to Nabilah Aufa (SBM 2016), the criteria for the winner are: neatness, punctuality, costume, performance, and suitability with the theme.

What Makes the Parade Interesting

In ITB parade, unique thing will always be found. For example, Faculty of Arts and Design students—whose artistic skill is beyond good—will always stand out even though they are not performing in ITB main gate. “We’re giving our best because this is a tribute from us to the graduates. Other than appreciation, this performance also means farewell. I‘ve got mixed feelings at graduation time like this,” said Ardhito Timoty (Seni Rupa 2015).

Graduation ceremony is undeniably a glorious moment for every student who has finished their final projects. The parade, as an appreciation and entertainment, is a reminder to ITB graduates as well as the students that the responsibility of an academician is not all about homework or quizzes, but something that will always follow even when they are no longer students.

Reporter: Silvi Absharina A.F. (SBM 2016)

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