ITB Students Won 1st and 2nd Place in Geophysics Day 2018
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

JAKARTA, – A great feat has been accomplished by students of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in Geophysics Day 2018 that was organized by Universitas Pertamina on Saturday (24/11/18). Teams of ITB students won the 1st and 2nd place in two different categories.
In Survey Design Category, the first place was won by a team consisting of Febriani Fitria R and Azhar Harisandi while the second place was won by Siti Naimah, Widya Pramesti, and Annisa Nurmala. In Paper Competition Category, the first place was won by a team consisting of M Hafiyyan Fikri, Gabriel Powericho L.D, and Rizky Huthama A while the second place was won by Raymond Daniel A, Jefri Bambang I, and Albert Agatha P.G. All of them are students of Geophysical Engineering of ITB.
Haffiyan Fikri, the winner in Paper Competition said that the team carried a paper titled “Integration of Geoelectric Method, Seismic Refraction, and Electromagnetic in Identifying the Potential of Soil Movement in Seling Village, Karangsambung, Kebumen, Indonesia.
The scientific paper was developed when they were in professional placement, where then turn the experience into a scientific paper. Data was obtained within two weeks during their professional placement. “Data was obtained within two weeks during professional placement, paper writing took one to two months,” said Hafiyyan. By participating in the competition, they wanted to raise their spirit of competitiveness by meeting new people from other universities.
Selection of participants was done online since October 2018. They went through administration, abstract, and full paper selection phases before competing on the final presentation against UPN Jogja, Universitas Pertamina, and Universitas Hasanuddin. Hafiyyan and his team feel grateful for meeting other great teams from various universities through the competition. “Make the competition a place to meet and be acquainted with other great people in this country,” said Haffiyan.
Reporter: Nur Faiz Ramdhani