Team Ortubis Shines as the Second Winner of PKM-M1 in 30th PIMNAS
By Holy Lovenia
Editor Holy Lovenia

BANDUNG, – Team Ortubis won the second prize in Student Creativity Program for Community Service 1 (PKM-M1) in 30th National Student Scientific Week 2017 at Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI) held on Wednesday-Monday (23-28/08/17). The win is inseparable from the endeavor of Ni Luh Putu Lilis Sinta Setiawati (Industrial Engineering 2014), Said Al Afghani (Mathematics 2015), Gede Aditya Pratama (Telecommunication Engineering 2015), Ni Putu Amanda Gamayani (Electrical Engineering 2014), and Moh Yusuf Febriyanto (Industrial Engineering 2014)
The Team in 30th PIMNAS, Makassar
The first day began with preparation for poster exhibition, such as stand decorating and poster hanging. The following day, the poster exhibition, was held until 12.00 with one participant standing by each poster. Then, it continued with presentation of work starting from 13.30 to the day after. Teams were divided to classes comprised of 20 teams each. Team Ortubis gets the third to last turn on Friday (25/08/17). During that time, Ortubis impressed with their presentation.
Ortubis’s community service is targeted to deaf mutes and mutes in Public School for Disabled (SLB) B Cicendo. The program is called Ortubis (Olahan Corn Rice ala Penyandang Tuli Bisu or Processed Corn Rice by Deaf Mutes) and aimed to improving cooking skill and teaching entrepreneur to the students.
The Endeavor of Team Ortubis
Preparation began with introduction to the partner, Public SLB B Cicendo. Official cooking clinic for the students is held 6 times, but Team Ortubis often visit the school to monitor self-drill of the participants. Team Ortubis members also do self-cooking drill before demonstration to the students.
Furthermore, Team Ortubis also equip the students with entrepreneurial concept and marketing strategy. Students practiced direct-selling their products at ITB. There are three corn rice based products produced, such as cornpes, cornshi, and cornball. Besides direct selling, Team Ortubis also taught social media marketing using Facebook and Instagram. At the end, Team Ortubis held Ortubis Program exhibition, which also officially announce the revitalization of Deafy Kafe at Public SLB B Cicendo.
A Win for All
The success of Team Ortubis is also the result of support from many. They are the partner of Team Ortubis (Ricki), Ubai and his team as motivator, Rachmawati as mentor, and the committee of Barudak ITB Juara (Baritra) who kindly fulfilled the need of ITB representatives. The win happens because all of the supports.
Moreover, Putu Lilis, the Head of Team Ortubis expressed her support for other students. “To make a work, we should have the motive and target, as well as the effort and time management. Making a work will not be difficult if we really want to and enjoy every process. Therefore, always try to strengthen the motive and aim for the target to get the result—which we should always be grateful for.